Chapter 31- This is Halloween: Part 2

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The remaining hour or so of the movie came and went as if no time at all had passed - which to be fair, was a common occurrence upon viewing such a masterpiece as Knives Out, no matter how many times. However, though time seemed arbitrary for the duration of the film, time still passed all the same, bringing the party deeper into the night. Caitlyn had managed to endure through to the end of the movie, for my sake, but upon its closure, she wasted no time in dragging me back out into the fray. Content with what information she had pried from Ally, she herded me from the theater like a lost sheep, the two of us leaving the room just as votes for what to watch next were underway. I was barely able to get a "goodbye" out to the others, who remained behind, before being physically pulled out of my seat and out the door.

"Christ, what're you in such a rush for?" I ask the energetic redhead as she continue literally dragging me down the hall, back towards the main foyer of the house. "It's only eleven, I don't think this parties's ending anytime soon."

"But we're gonna miss the haunted hay ride if we don't hurry!" Caitlyn whines, keeping up her quick pace as I try my best not to fall.

"The fucking what?!" I exclaim, the girl not responding as we weave our way through the clumped crowds around the outskirts of the foyer. Caitlyn ducks us down a much less compacted hall, within which we continue our frantic journey towards a vaguely alluded-to destination. My feet stumbled a bit as we rounded a corner, Caitlyn's perseverance unrelenting despite my clumsiest efforts. Down the end of the hall- and to be perfectly honest, I have no idea how she had found her way around this place- we rushed through an old wooden door, emerging out into the dark backyard of the house. Looking around, I noted the pool down to our left, which was mostly deserted given the weather, and a condensed gathering of people a bit farther ahead of us.

"Caitlyn, what the hell are we doing?" I question, the both of us taking a second to catch our breath, which concerningly, we could see froth up in front of us.

"The hay ride." She very clearly and helpfully clarifies. "I told you that already."

"What fucking hay ride?" I proclaim, rubbing my bare arms. "You didn't say anything about a hay ride?!"

"Yeah I did, like, seriously not even two minutes ago, dude." She points out, "It really wasn't that long ago."

"You know what I mean!" I frustratedly shout, pausing once more to calm myself and breath in. "Since when is there a haunted hay ride at this thing?"

"No clue, Hayden only just texted us during the movie." She explains, pulling out her phone to show me. "Didn't say much else, just to group up out back around eleven if we wanted to go."

"Wouldn't that imply that both of *them* are gonna be here?" I mention worriedly, trying to scan the shadowed crowd as we approach.

"Chelsea, it's gonna be fine, trust me." She promises, very reassuringly.

"That doesn't at all answer my question." I retort, but she only waves me off.

"C'mon Chelsea, you just gotta have a bit of... Faith, in me?" She accentuates, playing into the pun. "Too soon..?"

"I am going to elect to ignore that." I shoot back, shaking my head dismissively. "Why are we doing this, again?"

"Because it'll be fuuuun and spooooky." She goofily groans, adopting a ghostly tone. "And we have to do at least ONE thing actually Halloween themed tonight."

"I guess so." I hesitantly accept, the two of us lingering by the back of the group. I couldn't recognize anyone so far, which I suppose was probably for the best. "This sounds kinda lame, though." I whisper to her, and she playfully shoves me to the side.

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