Chapter 6- The Sleepover: Part 2

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It wasn't long before everyone else was here, apparently I wasn't as early as I thought. Hayden arrived minutes after me, and Faith shortly after her. The four of us chilled in Caitlyn's room as we waited for Ally and Emma to get here; the calm before the storm as I like to call it. Fifteen minutes later they arrived; really the only two who got here "on time".
"Now we can finally get this started" Caitlyn announced, once Ally and Emma had settled in.
"What's first on the agenda?" Hayden asked, the rest of us quietly awaiting her response.
"I'm so glad you asked" she replied, smiling knowingly. Something was definitely up with those two.
"So, first we're gonna get some food and shit in here, that's a given. Imma grab the beanbags, then once things're set up; I say we start with twenty questions."
"Twenty questions, really? Wtf do we have to ask eachother at this point?" Ally asks, to which Caitlyn smiles.
"You're right, we don't.." Caitlyn says, her eyes landing on me.
"But Chelsea here does. And I'm sure there's a lot we don't know about her." She makes a good point.
"What're you suggesting?" Emma asks curiously.
"Well, the five of us each get to ask Chelsea four questions, to get to know more about her. Twenty questions." She sits back against her pillow; putting her hand behind her head.
"You cool with that, Chelsea?" Faith asks, to which I nod.
"Sure, lets fucking do this" I readily agree.
"Fuck yeah! Let's set some shit up!" She exclaimed, then dictated to each of us what to go get. A few minutes of follow instructions later, and we had various bags of chips, candy, soda, and six beanbags all brought out into her room.
"I'll have to get another beanbag for when Mia's able to come" Caitlyn said as she sunk done into a beanbag; immediately ripping open a bag of Fritos. I sat down in one across from her, Faith joining in next to me as the others filled in the circle.
"Shall we get started?" I ask to them all, while grabbing a bag of Flamin' Hot Doritos for myself.
"You like spicy food, huh?" Faith asks, and I turn to her.
"That your first question?" I ask smiling, to which she rolls her eyes. Success.
"Oh no no, I say we make this more interesting" Caitlyn announces as she gets up to grab something. She walks back over with one of our bowls, a bunch of small pieces of paper, and some pens.
"We write our questions in anonymously. Makes it more fun, and the questions more interesting" she explains as she passes out the supplies.
"When the hell did you prepare for this?" I ask, getting no response from her as she sits back down.
"Get writing girls" she somewhat commands as she starts writing out her questions, the others following her lead. I sat back in my beanbag as I waited; the only sounds their writing and folding of paper. After a few minutes of agonizing anticipation, a bowl was shoved in my face. I took it as I sat back up, and let out an overemphasized sigh.
"Let's see here.." I said as I pulled out the first paper, and unwrapped it. I began to read the question aloud, slowly to make them suffer as I have.
"What's your middle name?" I read, to which I thought I could see Caitlyn's soul die.
"THAT'S the first question?! C'mon guys" she dramatically slumped back in her beanbag; Hayden patting her leg comfortingly. I hadn't exactly given Chelsea a middle name when I made her, so I guess now was the time.
"It's Ezra, for whoever ACTUALLY cared" I replied, sticking out my tongue at her like the mature high schooler I was.
"Awh, that's pretty" Emma said with a small smile.
"Yeah, yeah, keep the game moving" Caitlyn insisted, her attention back on my next pick. Rolling my eyes, I reached into the bowl and pulled the next one out.
"How big are your.. boobs" I finished, tossing the paper aside as I stared at Caitlyn's obviously guilty smile.
"What?! We all wanted to know" she said defiantly, not even bothering to hide that she's the one who asked.
"We did?" Ally questioned.
"Apparently" Emma responds with a shrug.
I think back to when I first created Chelsea, glad I had bother to take any notice in my chest measurements. "36 DDD, since you need to know" I answer, thankful I specifically chose it earlier.
"Daaaamn girl!" Caitlyn exclaims, very clearly looking at them.
"You okay over there Faith?" Hayden asks suddenly; everyone's attention now in the furiously blushing Faith.
"Yeah! Why wouldn't I be?" She asks, obviously nervous.
"You just seemed... bothered" she says back, throwing a wink at her.
"Let's just do the next one" she suggests, slightly moving away from me within her beanbag. Something was up, but I pulled the next one out regardless.
"What's your cup si- seriously?" I asked annoyed, looking at Caitlyn again who puts her hands up in defense.
"Don't look at me, this one was someone else" she defends.
"Like anyone else but you would ask" I retaliate, causing Hayden to raise her hand.
"I was gonna ask, but I knew Caitlyn would." She says, forcing another eye roll out of me.
"I would've admitted if it was my question. Obviously one of them wants to know too." She says as she gestures to the other three, a knowing smirk crossing her face.
"Moving on" I ignore her accusation and grab the next question.
"What's your favorite color, very original question" I joked as I tossed the paper aside.
"Pink" I answered truthfully; genuinely my favorite color even before the switch. Moving on, I mixed around the pieces of paper before picking one out.
"What's your ethnicity?" I read; I hadn't really specified that.
"Florida born, but my dad's parents are Dutch, my parents are from New Jersey. Pretty sure there's some Italian and shit thrown in there" I decided to just stick with what was already true yet again.
"You know any Dutch?" Emma asked, to which I shrugged.
"Not really. I mean, I refer to those grandparents as "Oma" for grandma and "Opa" for grandpa. That's about my extent of Dutch." I say while grabbing the next paper, had a bunch more to get through.
"Are your tits natural, really Caitlyn?" I exasperatedly ridicule.
"What the hell, why me?!" She exclaims, crossing her arms over her stomach.
"So this one wasn't you either?" I ask, and she hesitates.
"I didn't say it WASNT mine.." she trails off, letting her arms fall back down.
"OKAY, yes that one was mine. I only asked your size once though, so someone else here is as fucked as me!" She protests, but I just roll my eyes.
"Yes, my tits are fucking natural." I begrudgingly answer.
"What the fuck did you think was the answer?" Faith asks, making Caitlyn put her hands up defensively.
"Hey man, you never know."
"Let's just keep this going" I say as I pull out the next one.
"Do you have any siblings? One step-sister." I toss the paper aside and instantly move onto the next.
"What's your favorite movie?" I stop to think on this one for a bit, before answering.
"First Ironman movie maybe. Ooh, or The Dark Crystal" I answer after some consideration.
"I can respect the marvel choice" Hayden says, half-bowing at me.
"What sports do you play? I played Volleyball and Basketball for my old school. Pretty much it, unless you count soccer when I was like, eight."
"You should totally try out at the school, teams aren't the best but it's still tons of fun." Ally suggests.
"You play?" I ask, to which she nods.
"I was considering trying out, it'll be nice having a friend there if I choose to." I say back with a smile, as I pull out the next piece.
"What's your sexuality.." I read off, stopping to consider what I should say.
"Really guys? Bit personal don't you think?" Faith reprimands, glaring directly at Caitlyn who simply winks without a care in the world.
"Nah, it's cool, you don't seem like the kind of people to judge someone for that. I'm lesbian, or I guess Bi since I have been with guys before, but it's been awhile. As of now; very much so into girls, but since I've dated guys in the past, it's not out of the "realm of possibility". Like to keep my options open, I'm not straight though, that's for sure." I answer with a laugh. That seemed like a viable answer to me, so I pulled out my next question.
"Who's your celebrity crush? Well, coming off that last question; Alexandra Daddario for sure" Caitlyn practically moaning at my response.
"Duuuuuuude, you have such good taste" she says with a grin.
"Just come out at this point" Hayden jokingly says as she shoved Caitlyn, who shrugs it off.
"Are you a virgin. Yes, Caitlyn, I am." Followed by the biggest eye roll of my life.
"Good" she responds, throwing a wink at me.
"You're unbelievable" Emma says, shaking her head good-naturally.
"Pretty sure she came up with this whole thing solely to ask Chelsea this shit" Faith adds.
"You got me" Caitlyn says, surrendering. The remaining nine questions were pretty tame, even Caitlyn's last one, whatever it was, wasn't anything too outlandish. We got through them pretty quickly, and then it was on to the next step of Caitlyn's plan. After a bit of discussion as we passed around drinks and snacks, we brought up Netflix. I eventually convinced them to watch The Dark Crystal with me, since they had just gotten the chance to grill me, and because it's a damn good movie. Once everyone was all settled in, we started up the movie. While everyone was messing around at the beginning, it wasn't long before we were quietly engrossed in the film.
"Sorry about Caitlyn earlier" Faith whispered to me now that everyone was focused, leaning over from her beanbag. We were a good ways into the movie at this point, but everyone else was fully enthralled.
"It's not a big deal, it was kinda fun. I didn't mind answering her questions." I whispered back, my attention still on the movie.
"She's a.. very open person. Doesn't have much shame" she said, to which I nodded.
"I can tell."
"So.. you're into girls huh?" She asks, making me look at her out of the corner of my eyes, before turning back.
"Sure am. Have been for a few years now." I replied.
"That's pretty cool.." she trailed off; I could feel her eyes on me.
"I'm gay too by the way" she added, my full attention being pulled onto her.
"You told me. Or, at least implied it when you talked about dating Dawn" I saw a look of pain quickly overtake her face for a split second.
"Oh, yeah right. Just thought you should know.." she trailed off yet again.
"Why did you think I should know that we're both into girls?" I asked teasingly, her cheeks turning a light pink; she looked so cute.
"I just meant so you didn't think you were alone! Or something." She whisper-shouted while anxiously twirling a strand of her long, light hair.
"That's sweet of you" I genuinely compliment, her blush now darkening.
"You, uh, think so?" She asks, her playing with her hair becoming more frantic. I brought my hand up and placed it on her fidgeting one. She seems to instantly calm down as I brought it away from her hair, brushing it aside with my other.
"You're cute when you're all nervous" I whisper with a smile; leaning in a bit closer to her as I do. The light around us darkened as the movie did, I could just barely make out her eyes staring into mine. Those beautiful blue eyes.
"HOLY SHIT!" Hayden suddenly shouted; snapping the two of us out of our trance. I turned back to the movie to see we were near the end; at the part where Kira's life essence is currently being drained out of her.
"How did this not mentally scar you as a child?" Emma asked me.
"Who says it didn't?" Caitlyn asked, earning an elbow from Hayden. As Kira called on the animals to save her in the movie, taking back everyone's attention, I turned back around to see that Faith had moved back, and was staring solely at the screen. I hope I didn't fuck anything up.

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