Chapter 18- Hubris: Part 1

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I felt powerful.

When I first got the watch, a device capable of affecting the very fabric of reality, to an extent, I felt reserved. I was excited, sure, but I realized the repercussions of such power and was cautious about using it. I hadn't felt powerful, I was anxious about the possibilities.

That wasn't the case now.

For the first time in  my life, I felt truly powerful in my new body; a towering, beautiful goddess of pure perfection and intimidation. Sure, my friends and family hadn't treated me all too differently, as I've always been this way since they've known and have gotten close to me. However, it was clear that that wasn't the case to the rest of my peers as I made my way down the halls once I arrived at school. Looking down upon the sea of students gathered and cluttered throughout the halls, I became a beacon of attention. Some of them were scared as I made my way through the halls; it wasn't like I was trying to be intimating or mean, but something about my presence gave off that aura to those too scared to know better. If those looking upon me weren't scared, I saw a deep sense of lust, or even jealousy, in the eyes of others. The watch and its potential was an afterthought in my mind- pushed aside by the dominating force of my growth as I admired myself in the bathroom mirror. Even with my attention focused on my appearance- I knew deep down that the watch provided me with a scapegoat. I felt like I could do whatever I wanted.

One thing I had noticed with my new body, was a very strong emotion constantly possessing  me- I was constantly horny. I could feel it burning inside me, and had first noticed its affects when I caught myself staring just a bit too long at Ashley's breasts packed into her school  shirt as we ate breakfast. From then on, my mind drifted along a sea of arousal as my eyes followed along behind it, landing on all kinds of parts and features of the women around me. Thankfully, at least for this reason, Faith wasn't here- at least not yet. She was absent from first period, which was my main motive to take this bathroom break; text her and see what was up. I considered her not being here a good thing, because I had no idea if I'd be able to control what I was feeling with her around. Taking out my phone, which felt unnaturally small still despite my growth. While some things were changed to accommodate my new size, like my clothes and even bed, not everything was magically changed around me. For example, everything at school was still the same- for pretty obvious reasons, everything didn't change to better fit a single student, but I hadn't had much issue. Some things at home were the same, like the size of my room door- some of these lack of changes may have stemmed from financial issues, but it was just something I would have to get used to. Scrolling through my phone, I spot the notification from Faith's response, as I had first texted her when I got inside.

Faith🤗- I'm coming in at third period, I had to meet my mom at the doctor's. We're waiting in the operation room thingy rn.

Chelsea🙅🏻‍♀️- Operating room? You getting surgery?

Waiting for her response, I set my phone down on the side of the counter, adjusting my shirt in the mirror as I wait. The flushing of a toilet echos throughout the empty room as one of the stalls opens, a familiar brunette walking out.

"Look who survived." Ramona teases as she sees me, walking over to the sink next to me and starting the taxing process of washing her hands.

"I managed." I retort with a smile, grabbing my phone as a deep buzz resonates from the counter.

Faith🤗- It's just some stupid check up thing. I honestly had no clue what this room is supposed to be called.

"I heard you went MIA on us yesterday. You were that late, huh?" Ramona asks as she continues washing, the thoughts of yesterday once again entering my mind- but I easily push through them.

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