Chapter 36- The Wildly Experimental Night at Caitlyn's: Part 1

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Heyyy everyone, still here and kicking.

Wanted to take second to preface these next two chapters with a warning- like the title says, this one is gonna get pretty fucking crazy, especially on the more sexual/fetish side of things.

Now, I don't want to spoil anything, but just know there's a biiiiiiit more than just the normal growth we've had so far. If you feel at all hesitant about that- I'd urge you to skip this chapter. This is more of a fun one, a nice break from all the drama going on, and doesn't have any big impact on the developing story,,, as much.

You've been warned.

For the rest of us- enjoy.


"Thanks again, for the ride." I thank my sister as I hop out of her car, my bag slung around my shoulder.

"No problem." Ashley waves me off, the slamming of her car door interjecting itself between her next sentence. "You two have fun tonight."

"Oh, I'm sure we will." I joke, waving at the older girl as she pulls out of the driveway. It was the following day already- Halloween Night. As expected, the mischievous girl had refused to elaborate any more on what she had in store for me tonight, aside from when to show up at her house, but her haunting request to bring my watch with me, could only spell trouble.

"Heyyy, look who's here!" Caitlyn greeted, opening her front door as I approached. The red headed girl seemed to be already clad in her PJ's for the night- she had on a soft-looking, flow-y white t-shirt that was just a bit too long on her frame, with baggy black joggers to match.

And secured snugly around her pale wrist, was her watch.

"Who could've guessed it." I responded sarcastically, Caitlyn stepping aside to let me in past her, closing the door behind us, a securing lock clicking shortly after.

"Dude, if I had to do one more stupid "fall-themed" crossword puzzle today, I was going to blow my fucking brains out." She dramatically complains, walking ahead to lead the way, heading for her kitchen.

"Ugh, I know." I groan with her, following her through her house. "I can only find the word "pumpkin" so many times. Why are crosswords like, the go-to for teachers when they don't have anything else for us to do? In highschool?" I question, Caitlyn shrugging as she turns to face me, leaning against her counter while we talk.

"Because they're easy to print out and they're lazy." She offers, throwing her hands up in the air. "Whatever, fuck school right now!" She giddily exclaims, a promising smile speeding across her face, before continuing on. "Okay so, if you couldn't guess, my mom isn't here- she went out with some friends to some work thing, I don't know, whatever- the point is, she wanted to make sure we got the house to ourselves for the night." She explains, opening her fridge and rummaging through it." I alsooooo-" she drags on, before whipping around back to face me, holding up a few bottle filled with variously colored liquid, their glass bodies clanging up against one another in her hands. "Convinced her to let us have some wine coolers." She smiles, seeming almost proud of herself for such a feat.

"Have you ever even had alcohol before?" I skeptically ask her, feeling a bit unsure about the whole thing.

"Dude, I literally drank at Faith's pool party." She answers. "Look, they're literally only like-" she starts, bringing up a couple of the bottles closer to her face, studying its labels. "3% alcohol, or some shit." She reads off, setting the bottles down on the counter beside her. "That's barely anything."

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