Chapter 41- Birthday Trip to the Mall: Part 1

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"Where did they say they're at again?"

"JC Penny's," I remind my sister, "We should be able to park right outside from it."

"Yeah, I see it." Ashley confirms as we pull into the expansive parking lot of the mall. We were on our way to meet the rest of the girls, who were already waiting for us inside the expansive shopping center. "You looking to get anything specific while shopping today?"

"Hm, I'm not sure, really." I respond, having not taken much time to consider that too much. "I figure we're just gonna walk around and check out whatever the hell we want."

"Sounds like your average group of teenage girls at a mall." Ashley wisecracks, her attention focused on navigating the bustling traffic of the mall's parking lot. "But the Victoria's Secret is a must, of course."

"Oh yeah, totally." I agree, obviously never having stepped foot into one in my life- not even when I was dating Dawn back in the olden days. Victoria's Secret is sacred ground as far as guys are concerned, and gaining passage into one is as honorable as it is perilous to achieve.

Although, I guess now, that wasn't really something I had to worry about. Course, theoretically, I could just use the watch to give myself most any type of bra or underwear I wanted- but that took the fun out of clothes shopping all together if I used that every time.

Oh god- the thought of going clothes shopping with my girls was exciting to me. Taking a dick up inside of me was one thing- but with that, I knew I was way too far gone into my womanhood.

I felt my phone buzz in the pocket of my skirt, and upon retrieving it, saw the culprit of the disturbance from my inner monologue-

Caitlyn😈💕- ETA?

Chelsea🙅🏻‍♀️- Parking now

I texted her back, right as Ashley pulled into an available space, the entrance to the larger clothing store where we were meeting right across from us. Looking back down at my phone, I felt a sense of dread crawling back up into the pit of my stomach, one that made me second-guess getting out of the car. I was excited to see my friends, celebrate my birthday, do some shopping at the mall- my parents had even given me some spending money as a birthday gift.

All that to say, as I scrolled back up a bit in Caitlyn and I's chat, I was reminded of the source of my anxiety-fueled fear. After responding to and defending myself against Caitlyn's, unfortunately spot-on, predications of my immediate use of her gift- which she would not be quick to let go of anytime soon- we had continued to talk about our plans for the day, which was normal enough.

Until about just a couple hours or so ago when, while I was getting changed, Caitlyn sent me this-

Caitlyn😈💕- hey, Hayden's asking me for a ride to the mall?

I didn't respond right away, since I was busy picking out my outfit, so Caitlyn called me shortly after to get my attention. As she explained it to me, Hayden randomly texted her, expressing interest in coming out today. She told Caitlyn that she felt bad about things, mainly how she's been acting to her and myself lately, and wanted to try and make up for it. Caitlyn, of course, had no issue driving her, but said she figured she should ask me about it before committing. I was... hesitant at first, to say the least, considering it was quite a different approach than our last exchange. I wasn't exactly sure how throwing her into the equation might throw things off- however, I had formally invited both her and Faith, and although I mainly was hoping to get Faith to come, it was only fair to allow the same from Hayden.

And so, here we found ourselves- a day of pure, innocent fun with friends, shifting into one of dreadful uncertainty.

"Everything okay?" Ashley asks me, a bit concerned as I sat here, staring at the screen of my phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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