Chapter 23- Here we go Again

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Once again, I found myself getting ready to face the day as I sat at the table, eating my carefully selected bowl of maple and brown sugar oatmeal.

Once again, as I stepped into the shower, I had too much running around within the confines of my own mind to properly focus and take-in the tasks ahead of me.

Once again, while squeezing my breasts into today's black bra, I was determinedly formulating a battle plan centralized around tackling the relational and personal issues suffocating my social life.

And as Ashley drove us to the school, I hoped that, for just one more time, I'd be able to pull through and earn the forgiveness/understanding of those I sought to talk to. Again.

And just for the sake of certainty and efficiency, I went over each key beat of my plan and mental preparation as I strut into home room, one of the few students inside the class.

"Good morning Mr. C." I greet as I make my way further into the room, glancing over the scattered students within. Hayden sat in her usual seat, a little ways away from my own, not bothering to lift her head to even glance in my general direction.

"Gooood morning Ms. Rift." Our homeroom teacher greets back, dragging out the phrase slightly. With Hayden mostly isolated within the room, it would've been a perfect chance to approach her- but sticking to my plan, she would have to wait. Right place- wrong time.

As I reached my seat, I begun the first steps of my plan by very distinctly separating Faith's desk from my own, pushing hers and mine as far apart as the general setup of the room would allow. Hayden even perked her head up at the commotion, alongside most in the room, and I saw her watch, curious, as I took an odd initiative. Her head was promptly back in its defensive position when I dared look towards her, and satisfied, I took my seat.

"Yikes" Derrick whispers towards me, his and Tyler's desks closest to my now-relocated desk. "Did the happy couple get into a fight?"

"Dude, they weren't even dating." Tyler corrects, Derrick rolling his eyes in response.

"Ain't no way the two of them weren't fucking DAILY." Derrick quietly yet self-assuredly exclaims.

"Faith and I weren't doing any of whatever it is you think we were." I heatedly clarify, hoping to just shut him up at this point.

"What?" Derrick asks, clearly not convinced, "I'm calling cap on that one."

"I told you they weren't doing shit, idiot." Tyler says with a sigh, turning to the due homework in front of him.

"Did you really just say "cap"?" I question, the room slowly filling up with students- Caitlyn and Ally among them.

"So, what you're telling me is, you're single?" Derrick proceeds, ignoring my comments on his lingo.

"No, what I'm telling you, is that I've always been single, and you don't have any higher of a chance still." I shoot back, scanning the door for any sight of Faith.

"Daaaaaamn" Tyler exclaims, pushing Derrick's shoulder from the side.

"Well, come on now, you-" Derrick starts, but Tyler cuts him off.

"Dude, dude- just take your losses man." He talks him down, resting his hand on his shoulder. "You don't need her man. You're too good for her."

"Yeah, you're right man." Derrick concedes, nodding as Tyler removes his hand.

"Nah, I'm way fucking wrong, you're not even playing the same sport as her- let alone the same league." Tyler admits, smiling at me from over Derrick's shoulder.

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