Chapter 35- Getting Things Back on Track

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Ashley picked the two of us up not long after that; being mildly annoyed with the lack of a heads up with my sudden change of plans, but ultimately understanding. Caitlyn had had a few more questions before we had left the cursed house- small things I cleared up for her, how the watch affected certain things, etc. She had continued to bombard me with increasingly lewd questions and suggestions via text while in the back of my sister's car, but to her dismay, I learned to ignore them after the first couple of waves.

Of course, this did nothing to discourage her from continuing to blow up my phone indiscriminately. She had even resorted to, repeatedly, trying to feel up my new H-cup breasts, further accentuated on my body by my seatbelt digging in between them, either as a means to try and get my attention, or just because she wanted to. Thankfully, Ashley didn't seem to notice any of the times I had to slap her hand away in the backseat of her car.

Of course, Faith still hadn't replied, although it had only been maybe an hour since I texted her. I had a few missed texts from the others, asking where I was during the party, wanting to hang out or meet up, then generally saying goodbye towards the end.

To my delight- Caitlyn herself had also texted me, asking where I was not too much longer after I had disappeared from the bathroom.

Which, of course, I didn't see. Since she had my phone on her.

I wasn't letting that one go anytime soon.

Ashley dropped Caitlyn off and took the two of us home, asking a bit more about the party, how I ended up enjoying it, all that. I kept the details to the minimum on most things, of course- she had heard about the contest mishap, couldn't lie much about that one. She sympathized with me on it, vowed to "kick that bitch's ass", as she so elegantly put it. As silly as it was, the sentiment was nice to hear.

My mom wasn't all that worried when we got home, Ashley having covered for me already. She knew I was with friends, it's the weekend, so not that big a deal. Apparently we were going out to dinner tonight, as a family, and hadn't decided where yet. Ashley wanted sushi, for some weird reason that nobody else agreed with her on. I suggested the superior alternative- Publix subs at home- but was met with the same closed-minded responses. The conversation went back and forth like that for awhile, all of us having to defend our supposedly peculiar picks to the others in turns.

We ended up getting pizza.

The weekend flew by pretty quickly, too fast for my own enjoyment, with barely enough time for me to do much of anything. Had some homework to catch up on- we had a stupid History test Monday, which was a sin in-and-of-itself. I managed to get a little bit of gaming in, having been inspired by my reminiscing talk with Ethan. Before I knew it, I was in bed, on a Sunday evening, ready for school the next day. Showered, teeth were brushed- because hygiene is important- everything all set aside for the next day and a peaceful sleep beforehand.

Except, Faith had still not responded.

She hadn't even opened the message yet. She was probably doing that thing where you like, sneakily slide open the message so you can read it but not fully open it, so the other person doesn't know. Or maybe she was just flat out ignoring me entirely.

"What had she wanted to talk about?" I wondered to myself, staring up into the familiar darkness of my ceiling. "Was that my one chance?"

My one chance at what?

To get her back? Did I even want that, anymore? When was she ever mine? Was that the even best outcome for the two of us?

"As a friend, duh." I rationalized, but no, that couldn't be it. Would I really be satisfied with that? Maybe that was what was best for her, sure- she had said she was done that she didn't care anymore, right?

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