Chapter 2- I Could get Used to This

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Now, you've got me in a very difficult situation. Having just miraculously been turned into a very hot version of the opposite sex, aroused as hell as anyone would be in this situation, with my mom urgently calling me down to go confront the rest of my family. I figured, the best move would be to get this over with and not make it worse by keeping her waiting, but what was throwing me off guard was that she called my name. Not MY name, but like, my "new name". After what felt like literal seconds of indecision, I flung open my door and headed on downstairs to see what fresh hell was awaiting at the bottom. Boy was I wrong.
"You're just in time sweetie, Ashley just finished setting the table" were not the first words I expected out of my mother's mouth. "What the hell?!" "How did this happen?!?!!" "Who the fuck are you and how did you get in my house?" Or, "Finally, the daughter we've always wanted" were more along the lines of my expectations. I certainly didn't see a "sweetie" coming from my mom ever.
"Uh sure. Thanks mom.." She obviously notices my general displacement, but made no mention of it to me as I walked over in a dazed state. As I took in the table I was met with yet another surprise; our plates were all next to eachother. Though we're a family of four, we have a six-person table, one chair at each end and four in between, for guests and what not. The extra space served us though, as Ashley and I had a mutual agreement to be separated, so you can understand my shock when for the first time since we've been living together in the last 2 years, we were next to eachother.
"Excited for your first day?" I heard someone distantly familiar ask. Ashley, that was who that voice belonged to. Snapping myself back to reality, and making sure gravity was still there, my brain slowly processed what she had asked, and attempted to formulate a response.
"Yep." Astounding.
"I expected you to be more nervous" followed by a giggle. Now THAT threw me off my game, I was already balancing on a creaky stool on top of a fence post at this point, but that one, alien giggle set my sanity tumbling.
"Did mom put you up to this or something?" The look on her face told me all of this was genuine.
"What do you mean?" I could tell she wasn't faking it.
"Never mind. Just.. nervous. Yeah." Classic Charles excuse.
"Thought you were excited?" Apparently Chelsea didn't come with the Charles wit.
"Anxious is more like it" I let out a nervous laugh to reaffirm my claim.
"That's to be expected. Never easy going to a new school, but I'm sure you'll love it." Nice Ashley was a pleasant change.
"You certainly look amazing in the uniform, so there's that going for you" she brushed back my uncomfortably long hair. Maybe too nice.
"What're you two standing around for?" Ah yes, Brian. Love him.
"There's perfectly good food waiting to be devoured!" That wasn't sarcasm, I actually like the guy. I know, not a dick step-parent. Going against stereotypes since 2019 people. He took a seat across from Ashley and I as we sat down next to eachother. Mom joined us shortly after with extra pancakes, and we dived into our celebratory breakfast. Thankfully we were all too busy to really talk much, which gave me some time to really go over what the fuck just happened to me. I have a possibly magic smart watch here, gotta love knock offs, that turned me into a girl. My entire family sees zero problem with this, so I'm assuming I've taken on a completely new life. Meaning this is "Chelsea's" real first day at this school.
I made it through the small talk of breakfast, conversations that would pop up here and there. Before I knew it I was in Ashley's car driving to our school, and for once it wasn't forced upon by my parents. A few peaceful miles later and we were parked outside the school.
"Here's your schedule, it has the classes and room numbers written down, along with a map. I can come show you where they all are if you'd like? We have a bit of time." A nice offer, but since I've been at this school for the past two years, I pretty much knew where I was going.
"I'm sure I'll be able to figure it out. Thanks though Ashley." A smile, a rarity from her. I was handling this "new life" thing pretty well.
We stepped out of her car and made our way up the barren steps, and into the school.
Inside was a completely different ordeal; though it was still early, there were a good bunch of kids lingering around the halls until the bell rung.
"Have fun Chelsea" was all Ashley said before she disappeared down a hall. Glancing down at my schedule, I saw my homeroom was with Mr. Collison in room 203. My favorite teacher, so that was a plus. Choosing to ignore the different looks and glances I got from the multitude of people around me, I made my to Mr. C's room as fast as I could. It didn't take long as I knew exactly where it was, and I quickly entered to a pretty much empty room, in terms of people. Mr. C himself was setting up his daily announcements he'd always do, a special one for the first day of course. Derrick was already here, which didn't surprise me since his mom volunteers here. Derrick was tall definitely over 6ft, and was super sporty. Never really got close to the guy myself.
Emma was reading Hound of the Baskervilles at her desk, which wasn't very surprising. She was a short, cute girl, a bit on the dorkier side, but more "friendly" and "approachable" than some of the other girls. I was glad to have her in my class this year. Faith and Caitlyn were talking amongst themselves, both disregarding Derrick's attempt at conversation, if you could even call it that. Caitlyn was a fun redhead, very energetic and wild when she wanted to be. Faith was, well very hot if I'm being honest. Luckily my attraction for women stayed with my transformation, because Faith was striking. Her dark blue eyes locked with mine as I walked in, her straightened dirty-blonde hair catching the sunlight like in some sorta romance novel. She flashed me a quick beautiful smile, a slight blush outlining her many freckles as she turned her attention back to whatever antics Caitlyn was going on about. My eyes, on the other hand, being drawn to her protruding bust. She had one of the biggest in the school, that was for sure. Mine were bigger I proudly noted, but what was truly amazing about her body was her seemingly perfect rear. Despite her angelic appearance, and friendly personality, she's never actually had a boyfriend. It wasn't even that guys were too intimidated by her or anything, she's certainly been asked. Strict parents maybe? Regardless, I tore my eyes away from Faith before I got caught and spotted my bestfriend Tyler scrolling on his phone. Well, ex-bestfriend now. He had dark black hair, short on top but longer on the sides and back. He had an average build, about 5'10 but quite skinny.
"You must be new" I looked up the Mr. C, but I could feel all other eyes on me. Even Emma looked up from her book.
"Yeah, it seems I am.." he laughed, assuming it was a joke I guessed, and got up from his computer to meet me half way.
"I'm Mr. Collison, but everyone calls me Mr. C"
I shook his outstretched hand and smiled at him.
"Chelsea" he pulled his hand away and pulled out a sheet of paper from his shirt pocket.
"Chelsea Rift I'm assuming? If not, this is the wrong classroom." I nodded as he continued looking over the unfolded paper.
"Your seat's over there." He pointed to the open seat next to Faith, who quickly looked away as I turned towards her, and it didn't look like her eyes were focused on my own.
"I'm sure she'll introduce herself when you get over there. If you need anything, I'll be looking up the "Fact of the Day" at my desk" he walked back over and sat down in his chair, and I cautiously did the same.
"Hey! Chelsea right?" Her attention was back on me as I took my seat, and I turned to her to respond.
"Oooo, new hot girl. I like her" Caitlyn spoke up before I could, and earned a wink from me in return.
"Caitlyn!" Faith was really blushing now; she refused to look at me.
"What? I don't think she minded" she smiled knowingly at me, but I remained silent.
"Don't mind Caitlyn, she doesn't have much of a filter. I'm Faith." I smiled back, clearly I was enjoying myself too much.
"It's nice to meet the both of you. I don't exactly know anyone else here yet" I said with a shrug, and I could practically see Caitlyn's eyes light up.
"Well if there's anything you need to know, I'd be happy to show you around, introduce you to people" Faith kindly offered, but was quickly pushed aside.
"And if you want to know anything and everything about the school, people's secrets, best places to make out; I'm your girl" Caitlyn smiled deviously, a certain charm to her way of being. I sat back and thought for a moment, before I spoke up to ask.
"How's your sports programs?"

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