Chapter 30- This is Halloween: Part 1

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My utter insistence to continue to put myself in these situations was truly baffling, even to me. You'd think I'd choose to just, I don't know, take a night off, skip the big party (which, we all could tell, was clearly gonna become this whole big thing) and detox for a bit. After everything that's happened, and given the way these things tended to go for me- a teenage Halloween party was about the absolute last place I should ever find myself. Well, to be fair, I still wasn't fully committed to attending; I could just as easily text Caitlyn and avoid the whole thing all-together. Hell, good chance she'd even prefer to just come over here for another night, if that was the case. We spent last night mainly talking, a lot, about the shit going on in our lives- catching one another up. As it turned out, she didn't have too much that quite reached my level of "shit-ening", but she tried her best to compete. Of course, even then she barely knew the half of it- I had to omit about ninety percent of my story relating to the Multi-Stream. A part of me kept proposing I just tell her everything, reveal the full truth, but it was quickly outvoted by the rest of my subconscious. There were way too many variables to doing something like that, and I don't think I could take dealing with it on top of everything else right now.

She left later in the afternoon the following day- truthfully, not very long after we actually woke up- with plans to meet up at Faith's around 9. Apparently, the party intended to go well into the night- I wasn't exactly sure how her parents seemed to be consistently down with all these big, unsupervised parties at their place, especially ones so late, but I guess I couldn't really complain. I'd attempted to work on a bit of History homework before the party, but the upcoming anxiousness within me blocked all attempts to focus. Funnily, however, it did also seem to completely eat up my concept of time, as I now found myself standing in front of my mirror, Ashley waiting on me to leave, my homework feeling like mere moments ago.

I had successfully used the Multi-Stream to morph my costume to better fit Blackfire's look and distinguish myself from Caitlyn. The essential basis of the outfit stayed mostly the same- a tight crop-top and thigh-high skirt, the main difference being the darker coloration, the two silver arm bands on my right bicep and wrist, and the extended silver piece for the top that covered my neck and collarbone. I was tempted to give myself a dark purple cape, as she wore in some pictures on Google, but figured that'd be more annoying to manage during the party. Thankfully, the Multi-Stream also made it possible for me to tailor the costume a bit, as the original didn't exactly fit the best. The outfit still clung to my body quite snugly, but I at least wouldn't have any wardrobe malfunctions. Since I had the option, I decided to give myself the necessity most women were robbed of daily- pockets. Every piece of clothing should come with such a vital source of convenience, but in this particular case, it was also handy for keeping my watch on me. I didn't exactly want to wear it the whole time- didn't really go with the whole outfit- but I wanted it within reach, for emergencies. So, just as a precaution in case my costume did happen to run into any undesirable issues, or lord know what else- I removed the watch from my wrist- happy to find out that the costume itself stayed as is, even without the watch attached to myself- and slipped it into my pocket. With that done, and other than the dark purple boots that came up just above my knees, and a bit of black eyeliner (Ashley had to help me with that part), I was ready to go. Admittedly, it was all still a good bit revealing, which would make Caitlyn happy, I'm sure- but I was uncertain on how I felt about it.

Plus, it was pretty cold out.

At this point, I decided to simply "fuck it", and commit to my choices. This is what I was wearing, and this is where I was going. Sure, I was pretty terrified of being at another of these stupid parties, and especially now with Faith having explicitly *not* invited me- but Caitlyn wanted me to go, and I looked damn good, so, fuck it. At this point, there wasn't much this party could do to top the fucking last one, so to hell with it.

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