Chapter 20- Hubris: Part 3

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It didn't take very long for the two of them to satisfy themselves. Thankfully, I barely had to let them touch me and their minds would overload. Elise barely grazed my nipple and her body was convulsing with sensation. After just a few seconds of minimal sexual contact, they were both drained. Once their energy was used up, I made sure they were still presentable and did the best I could to set them up naturally somewhere in the room- Paige was easy as she was supposed to be sleeping in here anyways. I wasn't exactly sure how things would go with Elise, but hopefully the Multi-stream would come through for me somehow. Taking the key off of Elise, I lock the door to her office behind me and head towards the exit of the clinic.

"Nurse Furfuro?" I hear a small, weak voice call out from one of the few rooms, its curtain drawn closed. Walking over, I draw the curtain away-

"Oh!" Hailey exclaims, her pale face heating up as I tower over her. "Hi-i!"

"Hey there, Hailey." I greet smoothly, a cute smile growing on her face at the use of her name. "What're you here for?"

"Oh, I'm not feeling the best." she explains, grabbing her stomach in the most adorable way possible. "That's uh, kinda why I was going to the bathroom during class. When we ran into eachother? I kinda got a bit distracted tho... But it's not so bad! Just wanted to see if Nurse Furfuro could give me something to help out a bit."

"Well, you seem to be doing just fine." I point out in response.

"Yeah, you should've seen me before you came in. I felt terrible." she admits with a weak laugh, sitting back in her elongated seat.

"Seems like I may be the cure for you, then." I tease, her dark red face starkly contrasting her otherwise pale complexion. "So, you're having stomach pains?" I ask, walking into the room and closing the curtain behind me.

"Um yeah, basically. Why do you ask?" She questions, watching as I walk over to the cabinets present along one wall of the room.

"Well, unfortunately, Elis-sorry, "Nurse Furfuro", is busy with someone else. Seems like it's gonna be awhile." I sum up, opening one of the cabinets and rummaging through the medical supplies held within.

"She said she was, um, checking on some sleeping student?"

"Yeah, I was just in there with her, she's got some shit going on, definitely not sleeping, that she needs help with. Its more a job for a therapist than a nurse, but Elise insisted on helping." I continue lying, pulling out a medicine bottle for closer inspection before turning to face Hailey-

"If you ask me, the girl's a bit of a bitch. Acting like some helpless, victimized crybaby." I add, before turning back around and putting the bottle away. After a few seconds more, I find a hot pink liquid trapped inside a bottle and pull it out.

"Here we are," I announce, displaying the bottle to her, "Pepto Bismal. Ought to do the trick."

"My mom's given me that stuff before for when I would throw up. You don't think I'm sick like that, do you?" She asks, a bit worriedly as I examine the bottle, before using the accompanying cup to pour out the correct dosage.

"Well, that's what we're hoping to avoid." I reassure, holding out the cup to her. "Either way, this'll help your stomach feel better." With a nervous smile, she gingerly takes the cup from me; before downing the entire thing.

"Damn, good job." I congratulate, a slightly pink-stained smile following shortly after. Walking out of the room, I make my way to a water dispenser in the lobby- filling up a small cup before bringing it back to Hailey. "Drink up." I tell her, holding it out- and just like before, she downs it instantly. Looking up at me, smiling happily, I can't help but  rub the top of her hair- her shoulders clenching up into her face in response. "Alright, well you better let that settle. Elise may have some more stuff for you, so I'd wait till she's... ready. I've gotta get to last period." I say as I go to leave, her small hands wrapping around one of mine to stop me.

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