Your First Date:

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Tony: Alright everyone always thinks Tony can be a selfish asshole at times. But there are times he can be sweet. For instance, your first date together. You got dressed in your best outfit, meeting him outside at the park. He pulled up in a jet black corvette, wearing a fancy tux and sunglasses. A cocky smirk playing his lips, he decided to take you to the fanciest restaurant in town. After eating, he took you to the mall where he bought you several outfits. Before taking you back to your place he had one more surprise for you. A charm bracelet, on it was a charm of iron-man. Which he thought was pretty awesome, you thought it was cute and was very Tony of him.

Steve: Steve still hadn't seen a lot of things, he was basically a child in a candy store. So it was up to you to take him to wherever your heart desired. You already knew the first place you were going to take him: The Music Store. He already had several bands he wanted to check out and you loved music. Almost as much as life itself. Upon arriving to the music store you two bought a small can of pop and hurried inside. Several minutes later you two decided to venture off to find somewhere to eat. Steve pointed out a sea food restaurant; thinking it was interesting but was unsure about tasting the food there. But still you two went. Enjoying every piece of food ordered there. He walked you home, giving you a kiss on the cheek.

Thor: He had different plans for you, having no idea where to take you he took you to Asgard. Showing you around the palace and city, having you meet his friends. And most importantly having you meet his family. You thought the place was beautiful, the bifrost was unlike anything you had imagined. After a while of running around he took you to see Sleipnir, a beautiful eight legged horse. You were amazed with him. As the day grew shorter a feast was declared, everyone gathered around the table chewing down. Thor and yourself soon traveled back to Midguard after eating. He kissed the top of your hand, excusing himself as he led you home. You weren't sure why he excused himself for bumping into you, it wasn't until you reached into your pocket and pulled out a small purple flower.

Clint: Clint always knew you loved to play paintball, so he knew exactly where to take you. You grinned in delight as you two pulled into the parking lot of the paintball place, happily hurrying to start your match. After beating Clint 2 out of 4 times you two finally called a draw-heading towards the gaming room. There you ordered pizza and a couple Mountain Dews, taking turns playing pinball. If not that you two were battling against each other in air hockey. As he walked you to your porch he slipped an arm around your waist, keeping you still. He slid a small envelope into your pocket. When you checked what it was later; it was a note telling you how much he liked you and if you wanted to go paintballing again.

Bruce: Everyone knew you didn't want to get Bruce angry. So picking a relaxing place would help a lot. You two decided to go on a classic movie date, seeing a horror movie. Not because you got scared easily, because well you didn't. But because you loved them. Something about horror made something click inside you. The movie lasted 2 hr and 15 mins. Bruce happily dragged you to his one of his favorite restaurants, a Chinese place. You two ordered and ate inside, eating until you were full. He grabbed your hand beige you could get up, setting something cold in the middle of your palm. You shot him a questioning look before opening your palm to see a silver ring with your two names engraved in it. You stared in shock, throwing yourself at him you gave him a tight hug. He hugged back. Driving you home happily.

Loki: Loki knew nothing about human interaction, nothing about dates or showing love like that. And you weren't the type of girl that would go on actual dates. The word date didn't sound right. You and him just walked along the park until he decided to show you different realms. Mostly Joûtenheim. He told you about the frost Giants and how he was one, thinking he was going to scare you away like everyone else. But you stayed, not caring what he was. He then took you to Asgard. Showing you his book-mostly Magic books and stuff like that-collection. You begged him to show you something he could do with magic. He finally gave in, creating a small ice-like structure in the shape of you two. He carefully handed it to you, you took it a wide smile on your lips. You hugged him, kissing his cheek. The Asgardian God turning bright red, he hugged you back still unsure how to react. Before you two knew it you were back on earth. You invited him inside your house, making you two dinner.

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