New Year [ Peter x Reader ]

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Her name was [Y/N] and Peter knew nothing about her, other than she moved here from the country. Oh and her favorite color was [Y/F/C]. Something about her seemed different, though it was like Mr.Stark said: "He needed to keep his head straight during times like these". Why you ask? A few months back there was a large fight, almost earth shattering fight, with Charles Xavier's x-men and other mutants, with that fight many mutants went into hiding. Or were captured and locked away like animals. Some knew fairly well how to handle themselves or how to act normal, while others—were pretty violent.

Peter ran his fingers through his hair biting the inside of his cheek, taking a glance to the front of the classroom where [Y/N] stood, the teacher calmly and happily introducing them. Okay, so, is that it? He began to bounce his knee turning his gaze to the window, watching the sky/clouds. His attention snapped back to reality, lips flattening out looking at the figure before him. He jumped realizing it was [Y/N]. "O-Oh...hi. Umm you can sit by me...n-no one sits here. My name is—"

Silently she took a seat, plopping her binder and things on the desk, lazily pulling out what looked to be a wireless earbud. "Parker? Peter Parker, am I right?" She asked softly, a smile upon her lips. "This place seems boring. What do you do for fun around here?"

Peter straightened in his seat, an eyebrow raised in interest/confusion, 'Get used to it, it's your school now', he thought to himself before clearing his throat. "W-Well...we do a lot of things for fun...."

"Oh really? Like what?," It was like she knew he was lying about what fun there was to do around here. "Other than being accused of being a mutant and being locked away. about being robbed by some superhuman or man with a crappy Thor mask?" She giggled at the end of the sentence, pushing against the desk tipping her chair back. Rocking it forward and backwards, "you know what's really fun? Four wheeling. Hiking in the woods away from people."

He listened to her contently, speaking up only when she finished. "Not a people person?"

She shook her head, "Not exactly. I grew up in the country. My parents had a farm, up until everything went to shit."

"Oh," Peter lowered his head, "What happened?"

"Some asshole snuck on our property set the barn on fire, had all our horses and livestock in it. I ran out there...saved a few horses but...." The female looked down biting the inside of her cheek, pulling up her sleeve to reveal quite a large scar running from her right wrist clear to her elbow. It had healed but it most definitely was a scar. "Part of the barn fell on me when I tried to save the cows. We lost mostly everything and were forced to move here."

The male grit his teeth shaking his head, "People are assholes now days. Hurting others and not having a care in the world. Sorry [Y/N], it's not like that here. I'll make sure nothing happens to you."

She smiled nodding softly.

Only if she truly knew who she was speaking to.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2020 ⏰

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