Siblings (Steve x TonySisterReader x Tony)

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Let me get this straight, Tony Stark is my brother. I do not have the same last name as him. We do not have the same personality, but we do look alike kind of. He knows I am his sister but no one else does.

Tony grunted, wiping the sweat off his forehead, "Kiddo, hand me that wrench, will ya?" He asked, I eyed the wrench then my brother.

"I'm not your personal assistant, Tony." I stated, he dropped everything getting up to grab it himself.

"If we were ever trapped in a room together-"

"I would kill you." I cut him off, smirking. He rolled his dark eyes mumbling under his breath.

"Anyways, is there anyone my little sister likes?" He smiled, raising his gaze off his suit he'd been working on. I turned my head, flushing. "Ohh there is!!" He gasped, pointing the wrench at me. "Who is he? Or she. Is he one of those guys that-"

"Tony, stop talking so I can talk. For fucks sake..." He chuckled.

"Sorry, kiddo. Excited."

"He's nice, and will help anyone that's in trouble." I said, blushing. Tony's brown eyes narrowed.

"Is he someone I have met before?"

"Yes, you two actually fought together against Loki."

"Ahhhh good times, punching a god's face in." I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "Wait, you said someone that helped me against reindeer antlers?" I nodded.



"Hammer Time?"

"What? No!!!" He snickered.


"You suck at guessing," I huffed, leaning against the counter. He clapped his hands, smiling widely.


"Took you long enough." Tony walked around his work table, grabbing his phone.

"Why don't you ask Spangles on a date? I'm sure he'll take you." I jumped up, spinning around. "Or maybe you could stay here and help me with my suit."

"Not in a million years, iron face."


It was awkward standing by yourself in public. Not just because you were alone but also from all the people. Some were chatting with friends, others were talking on the phone/texting, then you're just there standing alone. Scrunching a fistful of the long (f/c) dress I wore, I became impatient. "(YN)," Steve greeted with a warm smile, he linked his arm through mine. "It's nice to actually go out with someone."

"You mean you haven't been on a date in like 70 years. Could be worse." I added, people eyed us like we were from another world. After being seated we exchanged awkward looks.

"Is Tony a bother?" He questioned. I actually threw my head back and laughed.

"Tony is being Tony as always, he's always a bother." Steve's blonde hair laid back, he wore a regular pair of jeans and a nice shirt.

"Sounds like him," He leaned back.


"(Y/N)!!" People scrambled towards the door, some stayed. My brother's tone was harsh. I did something wrong. Or broke something. I stood up quickly, knocking the Chair over.

"What? You're bothering me again!!!!" I growled, the red and gold suit approached me.

"I think you know what."

"No, I don't. All I see is my stupid older brother-" Steve stood up, eyebrows knitted.

"You two are related, I've noticed you two looked alike but I never thought you were brother and sister." Steve admitted. Tony crossed his arms.

"I would've been here sooner but someone broke my other suit." Tony looked at me. I shrugged.

"Yeah we're related, yeah I don't care. Now leave me alone to my date Tony or you won't have any more suits!" I threatened.

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