Monsters, Cures and Feelings (Bruce x Reader)

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Traveling from state to state hadn't become a problem anymore, the only problem was staying hidden. While in New York they easily found me. It was no problem if you had someone that knew Gamma radiation like the back of their hand. I quickly slipped into the sewers, climbing out a few days later and headed south. Running into a few people that decided to help me. Then just like clockwork, they found me. And this time they were prepared.

His name was Bruce Banner, otherwise known as the Hulk. He helped the other Avengers defeat Loki and his army. I didn't really care since I was on the run. Fury was busy with a Demi-God. Banner knee me from years ago. We both worked together for a while. Up until the accident. It happened again, weeks later; only it wasn't only Gamma radiation. But also some odd green substance. Whatever it was turned me into a freak of nature. My eyes turned a dark envy green, changing colors only sometimes. Banner remembered who I was, he don't know how it happened though.

I was toying around in my lab when it happened-I died. And then came back. It was horrible. All I was trying to do was find a cure for Banner. All I really did was curse myself. Tony found it ironic that Bruce and I knew each other. Steve kind of just avoided me-our relationship was awkward. Thor and I were good friends, almost like brother and sister. Clint and Tony were the same.

"It's ironic, isn't it," Tony said, watching the contents in his glass slosh over the sides, "You both were in a tragic accident." Steve, who sat across from Stark, gazed up from the shining floor. I shifted in my seat resting my head upon my palm.

"I was trying to find a cure..." I mumbled, "I didn't want to turn myself into a monster." Thor sympathetically patted my shoulder.

"Maiden (Y/N), you are not a monster. You are the complete opposite." Thor smile warmly taking a seat beside me. I forced a smile upon my face watching the doorway. At any moment he would walk in.

"I was just trying to find a cure...." My voice faded into a whisper-the Demi-God beside me curiously played with a strand of my (h/c) hair.

"Find a cure? For whom exactly?" Steve asked, all eyes were glued to me. A sigh left my lips as I began fiddling with my fingers.

"For he could be normal again." Tony tipped the glass cup back.

"Well it would've worked if you knew what you were doing," The billionaire took another swig of his drink. I frowned, why does Tony always think I don't know what I'm doing? Whenever I'm in the lab he treats me like I'm a stupid person. Saying don't touch this, don't touch that.

"I'm not stupid Stark, I knew what I was doing. It was just an accident." I spat back at him.

"Hey, hey. I was just kidding, you're not stupid." He only said that because he didn't want anyone to get hurt. Knowing Tony he would've finished that sentence if Bruce hadn't strolled in. "Brucey, I think (Y/N) he-" Thor punched his friend lightly in the arm. Bruce slowly approached me, he had heard everything.

"This happened because of me?" Bruce asked, his eyes full of concern.

"No! I was...I was just trying to help you. I don't like seeing you avoid everyone. I don't like seeing you avoid me." I grabbed his wrist stopping him from walking any further, "It's not your fault, it was mine. It was me being selfish."

"That's not being selfish, it's called being in love." Tony interjected. Bruce smiled, leading me towards the nearest exit. "LoveBirds!!!!!" The Billionaire yelled.

(A/N: This one was quick, sorry if it's not well written. Thanks for reading. Anyone have a request?)

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