Dares, Secrets and Secret Assassin? (Hawkeye x Reader REQUEST)

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It was just a stupid dare that was all. Tony and his foolish ideas; the stupid billionaire dared me to go on a date with Hawkeye. Clint was up for it-Natasha didn't seem so happy about it. But if I didn't go they were going to shave my head completely bald. I told Tony if he even touched me I would stab him in the eye with a pencil. For once he backed off. I ran a hand through my (h/c) locks of hair. Staring at the person in the mirror. Oh, yeah Clint decided to take me to a very populated restaurant. Where cameras and other people could see.

Frowning, I brushed a strand of hair behind my ear turning to walk out of the bathroom. Of course Tony being Tony-lent Clint a special Limo. Specifically made for a guy like Hawkeye. Yeah, lent a limo. Clint smile widen as I approached the table. By just walking through the small place I could feel eyes burning into my body.

"Hey," Clint wiped his mouth on a napkin placing his hand over mine, "You okay you seem tense?" He began rubbing the top of my palm. A young waitress walked by-flashing me a smile. I could see right through her act. She was jealous.

"I-I'm sorry it's just..." I glanced around the room again, "Something isn't right." Clint patted my shoulder; leaning in. His breath was warm-he smelled of expensive cologne. Like the kind that cost almost a whole person's paycheck if you weren't rich.

"(Y/N), nothing can get us Tony is watching." He placed a small kiss on my cheek pulling back, "Even if there was someone here that, let's say, wanted to kill us. You have me to protect you."

Only of he knew who I really was-Fury Knew. He made a promise not to tell anyone since I didn't want them on my ass again. Hydra still existed. Steve didn't know. Hawkeye's eyes glistened, I patted his shoulder. "Calm down big boy." He chuckled twirling his fork in his hand. I picked up the knife messing around with it.

"When'd you learn to do that?" Clint had asked; I looked away from the utensil I was spinning.

"Ohhh ummm.....I've been practicing knife twirling." Wow I was a terrible liar even the look on Clint's face said so. He placed the silver fork on the table tilting his head.

"Terrible liar," He smirked, the same waitress from earlier walked by setting our plates carefully on the table. Clint ordered a 25oz steak, fries and for dessert chocolate pie. I ordered fries, a small medium steak and apple pie. He pointed his fork at me, "I'm interested. It wasn't Tony who made that dare up. I told him to dare you that." My face burned, a soft ohh left my lips. "I've told you something know you tell me something." He poked at his steak smiling at it like it was a person.

"Well," I started gazing down at my lap. He raised my head with the handle of the fork, "I'm not really Fury's niece. I'm a highly skilled Assassin that is rubbing from Hydra." Clint jerked forward eyes wide, he coughed almost choking on his food. Several people looked in our direction.

"You're a what? Running from who? And you what?" He gaped shocked.

"Assassin, running from Hydra, and not Fury's niece. It was all a cover." I placed my hands on the table, flipping my legs out from under the table, "I'm making this a take-out meal." He winked at me playfully.

"Have a taste of that ass-ass-in." Clint joked. I mentally face palmed walking up to the counter. When I came back he was eating his last piece of pie.

"Oh you wish Hawk-boy." I winked back placing a kiss on his cheek.

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