Chapter 19

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January 15, 2011 (11:00 am)

So, now it's chapter 19. I think I'm kind of at a loss for words here...

Thank you to everyone that's voted, commented, and fanned! It's greatly appreciated! I'm very glad that you all like this story so much!

Haha I'm listening to Dane Cook right now. Let me tell you this, he is so friggin funny! ...He has his keypad close his face and for the space bar, he kisses.... if you heard the Atheist, you'd know what I meant. It's so funny!

"I hope when he dies, he does become a tree, a big lumber jack comes by and chops him down. They they print the bible on him once he's paper." <- yeah that's the best damn part!


Jace's P.O.V.

I could feel how upset Dani was. It hurt that I had to say that to her. She was right, too. It wasn't fair of me to keep things from her after she's told me everything. It's just that I can't talk about my dad anymore. After all, it's my fault he's dead. If I'd just listened to him...

No. I couldn't think about that. After all, I needed to go see my mother. It was getting late out and the moon was beginning to rise. Quickly, I ran through the woods and made my way to my mom's house. She lived alone in a little cottage that my dad had built.

Really, I didn't think it was best for her to live alone. She'd just lost her mate and the house seemed kind of empty. But she insisted that she'd stay. The house had a garden with a koi fish pond that she just adored. I wouldn't take that away from her.

As I neared the house, I shifted and changed into my clothes. The house was lit and I heard the soft hum of piano music. My mom loved listening to the piano. Though she couldn't play for her life, she loved listening to it.

I didn't bother knocking. It was my mom's house. Not Queen Elizabeth's. "Mum?" I called.

"Jace?" she asked as she came into the room. My mom as only in her early forties. She had Blond hair tied back in a ponytail and my dark brown eyes. Well, actually I guess I had her eyes. She was small only around 5 feet, two inches.

"Hey," I said. "Everything okay."

She rolled her eyes. "Sweetheart, you've got to stop worrying about me. I'm fine. Did you want some coffee? You haven't been here for awhile."

"Sure," I said as I followed her into the kitchen. I sat down and she started to making the coffee.

When she turned back to me, she surprised me. "So what's her name?"


My mom rolled her eyes. "Your mate, baby," she said.

What the hell? How'd she know? "How do you know about her?"

She smiled at me. "A little thing i like to call a mother's intuition."

"You talked to Savannah, didn't you?" I asked her.

"Name," she said ignoring me.

I sighed. "Her names Danielle. Danielle Cameron, but she likes to be called Dani. And... um her parents were just killed in a car accident yesterday."

She put a hand over her mouth. "Oh, my," she said. "That's awful. Does she have any siblings?"

"She has an older brother and two younger twin brothers," I said. "They are human."

That didn't seem to surprise her. "Yeah, I've heard.Jace, I can't see how that is possible."

After explaining it to her, I went on to tell her that Dani would be staying at the pack house while her brother would still be her legal guardian until she turned eighteen. I also told her how her twin brothers would be living with their grandparents and almost every little detail I could think about.

The coffee had been made awhile ago while I kept saying things about Dani's life. Everything I knew about her, I told my mom. Including her friends and her band. That awful night where I saved her was included, too. As well as our first fight, if you could call it that.

My mom listened to me asking me questions now and then. I knew she could tell how much I loved Dani. When i finished she looked at me intently. "And now, what's wrong?" she asked. "It seems you really do love her Jace, but why aren't you with her now?"

"I came to visit you," I said.

She sighed. "I know that baby, but why isn't she with you. You knew I'd love to meet her."

"Well, I kind of ran out on her after she asked about Dad," I said looking down into my steaming coffee cup.

"Jace," my mom sighed. "How many times do I have to tell you it was an accident before you get it through your thick skull? You need to stop blaming yourself!"

"How can I?" I asked. "If I hadn't gone out that day, then he'd still be here!" I yelled.

"Calm down, Jace," she said in a firm tone. "This won't help anyone. It won't bring your father back and it will NOT make you a good leader for this pack!"

I sighed in defeat. "It's just not fair," I mumbled.

"Is life ever fair, sweetheart? Look at Dani. Both her parents just passed away. And she needs you right now, but you left. Did you ever consider that she'd need you right now? You know how it was when your father died. It's not easy. And you still had me."

"She has her brothers," I pointed out.

"Jace," she warned. "Don't you want to be there for her?"

"Yeah, I do, but-"

"No buts. Just go. Fix this or I will step in."

Yeah, it was never good when my mother would step in. Last time she did was when Henry and I were in a fight when we were fifteen. She locked us in a closet for hours. We ended up talking and things got real emotional. It was so embarrassing when she let us out and we were balling our eyes out saying how sorry we were to each other. Not anything I wanted to happen again.

"Fine," I said. "I'm going, but not because you told me to."

"Yeah, that's never the reason," my mom said sarcastically.

She hugged me goodbye and I left, heading for Dani's house. It was about midnight now, but this couldn't wait.


January 15, 2011 (12:10 pm)

Okay, so there you go. I'm hanging with MidnightRose66 today, so I'm going to go get ready. I'll probably post some more tonight, so just relax and breath. Vote if you want. Comment if you want. I almost have 100 fans, so thanks to everyone who fanned me! I'm going to go now, so TTFN.

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