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Character info

Y/n = Your Name
L/n = Last Name
E/c = Eye color
H/c = Hair color
H/l = Hair length
S/c = Skin color

You and your parents never had much of anything for a long time. You and your parents have been forced to live in Harlem, the poorest district in the city. Thanks to the every day gang violence, people are scared to come to your family's restaurant. You are seventeen years old and have E/c eyes, s/c skin, and H/l H/c Hair.

The City

Liberty city is known as A major city on the southern coast in Louisiana. It is home to many businesses and immigrants as it also has a high economy. The Gangs have caused chaos throughout the city for over the last twenty years.

The Gangs

Los Cardenales (the Cardinals) is one of the most powerful gangs in the city. They are well armed, well supported and have connections with Drug cartels, the police, and city hall. They always wear red and black t-shirts and eliminate rival gang members in sight.

The Reapers are experts in tons of different criminal activities. They can smuggle in contraband, chop up cars, and also extort shop owners with ease. They are the most fear and violent gang in the city and are known to wear grey and white clothing.

The Vice Lords are known to always be one step ahead of their enemies and always plan ahead. That's how they are able to run gambling dens, brothels, and black market deals so easy. Everyone in this gang can be identified with their blue and orange clothing.

Districts / Neighborhoods

Maple Heights
This is one of the city's more wealthier districts from its high class homes to its freshly mode lawns. It is home to many wealthy families as well as its great Southern charm and hospitality.

Neighborhoods: Bristol, The Bowery, Heavens Acre, Kingston, and Park Row

The Greens
The district use to be a run down area with old abandoned homes and ruined businesses. Now it's known as a high class business district thanks to its high tech companies and department stores.

Neighborhoods: Brighton, Newton, Burns Hill, The Garden, and Old Town

This district is the center to all of Liberty City's famous late night parties. The district is the home to tons of local bars, night clubs, Casino's, and tons of high class hotels.

Neighborhoods: Harwood, Money Mile, Holloway, Misty Grove, and Adept Way

The Financial district
It's just like any other downtown area in other major city's around the world. It's best known for its office buildings and skyscrapers to city hall and the city's main police HQ.

Neighborhoods: Filmore, Union Square, Liberty Park, Carlton, and Albertson

Brandon Docks
This part of town is known best as Liberty City's shipping district. Everything that gets imported and exported out of here by ship every day all across the south.

Neighborhoods: Riverside, Southport, Charlestown, Black Bottom, and Copperfield

This part of the city is home to many Chinese immigrants that have made their home here. They have also set up all sorts of businesses such as restaurants, bakery's, and thrift shops.

Neighborhoods: Little Shanghai, imperial Square, Monetary avenue, Rosemary Lane, and Edison.

This district is mostly home to the middle class residents of Liberry city. Thanks to the community schools and quiet neighborhoods people can live here with little worry.

Neighborhoods: Eastwood, Misty Lane, Tidal Springs, Prawn Court, and Greentree

Jazz Town
This famous district happens to be home to many forms of musical entertainment. There are tons of music halls, parks, and arcades where people can be able to enjoy live music.

Neighborhoods: The Grove, Nob Hill, Frankford, The Strand, and Cecil Park

This is best known as the home for most of Liberty City's immigrants that come to live in Louisiana. The immigrants here operate all sorts of businesses here such as pawn shops, restaurants, and jewellery stores.

Neighborhoods: Allston, Sunnyvale Gardens, Lakeview, Sunset Cove, and Yellowstone Peak

This is the poorest district in all of Liberty City since it has run down shops as well as old apartment buildings. The Gangs all try to take the district and people are scared to fight.

Neighborhoods: Hollow Bay, Boston, and Petersburg

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