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CASSIOPEIA WAS GETTING BIGGER AND bigger. It felt like with each passing minute, her stomach grew more and more. Remus had walked into their shared bedroom one night, worried that his fiancé was taking too long getting changed to go round to the James and Lily's home; the couple had arranged a nice dinner for all their friends, something they wanted to do more of and decided to make it a monthly thing, when he spotted her sitting on their bed surrounded by clothes whilst crying her eyes out. 

He rushed over to her side without hesitation, his entire body filling with worry as he pulled his fiancé into his arms, "I can't fit into my clothes!" Cassiopeia had cried, shoving her face deeper into Remus' chest as he let out a sigh of relief; incredibly thankful that she wasn't hurt. From that day onwards, he charmed her clothes to stretch out over her stomach, something that made her cry with happiness when he told her.

As happy as she was - even when the hormones spiked and she cried for hours over literal spilled milk - she couldn't help but feel sad. She felt useless as she laid on the couch, her t-shirt risen up to show her growing belly. Cassiopeia kept tracing patterns on her stomach, her mind wandering to her fiancé and friends who were currently busy with a mission for the Order. She had expected to help them as soon as they left school, but she completely understood why literally no one let her get involved. 

She did sometimes go to the meetings, it turned out that Molly Weasley had also become pregnant and the two women often found themselves sitting around together, waiting for their significant others to return as they took care of Bill, Charlie and Percy Weasley. 

"He's going to be okay," Cassiopeia muttered, trying to reassure herself, "They all are. They always are," Her voice was soft as she kept her piercing blue eyes on her stomach, her fingers never once leaving it. She had never thought of herself as a family person. She never thought she would be engaged let alone starting her own little family. But from the second she found out that there was a baby growing inside of her, she felt like she wanted nothing more. 

It was just her, Remus and their little bundle of joy. Even though she still had about four months before the baby would pop out of her, Cassiopeia already vowed to do everything and anything she could to make her little one's life as incredible as it could be. And even though she hadn't even held her baby, she already loved him or her more than anyone else in the world and everyone could see that motherhood looked incredible on the young woman. 

A soft smile rested upon her lips as she fully focused on her stomach when suddenly her hand jumped ever so slightly. Cassiopeia's eyes widened in shock as she sat up slightly, focusing purely on her stomach which resulted in her not hearing a snap coming from just outside their cottage, "Did that just really happen?" She questioned herself, not believing whether that did actually happen or whether she was just imaging things.

"What just happened?" Remus' voice caught her by surprise. He had walked into their home tiredly, his feet dragging on the floor when he heard his fiancé talking to herself which caused him to make his way into the living room, looking worriedly at the black haired woman when he noticed her wide eyes.

Cass' watery eyes looked up at the werewolf, "I-I think she just kicked."

Remus' entire face lit up, "Really?" He asked, his voice full of shock as he decreased the distance between them. Dropping down to his knees, he became eye-level with Cass' exposed stomach.

Cassiopeia let out a happy laugh, using her free hand, she reached for Remus' much larger one before placing it onto her stomach. Laying her own hand over his. Both of the young adults let out a gasp as a kick was felt from the stomach, "Did you feel that?" Cass asked, looking excited.

Remus had tears in his eyes, nodding his head enthusiastically, "I did. I can't believe it," He breathed out, momentarily looking up at the black haired woman before letting his eyes fall onto her stomach again, "You're not even here yet and I love you so much," The werewolf muttered, pressing his slightly chapped lips onto Cass' stomach as she let out a choked sob. Remus' head snapped up, "Does it hurt?" 

Cassiopeia shook her head. She tried to stop the tears from falling but nothing was working, "No, it doesn't. I just--I can't believe it."

Remus took hold of her hand, grinning, "We're going to be parents."

"We're going to be awesome parents."

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