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JAMES POTTER AND SIRUS BLACK were practically always attached to the hip, chattering about anything and everything wherever they were, so when Cassiopeia and Remus found the three Marauders in their usual compartment, they were more than confused when they saw Sirius sitting in the corner, pouting like a child whilst James sat close by, prodding his best friend and trying to get him to talk.

"What's going on?" Remus questioned after he shoved both his and Cass' trunks into the overhead compartment.

"Sirius won't talk to me," James complained, "Cass, tell him to talk to me."

Cassiopeia put her hands in the air, "I'm not getting involved in your lover spat."

Sirius turned his head to look at his sister, making it very clear he wasn't looking anywhere near James, "Did you guys hear who the Head Boy is this year?"

Peter snickered whilst Remus and Cassiopeia shook their heads, "I know Lily is Head Girl," The black haired girl said as she leaned against her boyfriend.

"Yeah, well, someone in this compartment is the Head Boy," Sirius said, his voice full of disgust as he finally looked away again, folding his arms over his chest.

Cassiopeia glanced at Remus and Peter, the latter of who was snickering so hard his face was turning a beetroot colour. Remus looked just as confused as the Slytherin, meaning if it wasn't those two and it certainly wasn't Sirius there was one boy with spectacles left.

"No fucking way!" Cassiopeia exclaimed, her eyes as wide as saucers.

"How!?" Remus questioned, his face just as shocked as his girlfriend's. 

James grinned proudly, puffing his chest out, "Clearly Dumbledore has great taste."

"I think this just shows how much of a lunatic the guy is," Sirius grumbled.

"I thought you weren't talking to me?" James glanced at the black haired boy.

Sirius rolled his eyes, "I'm not talking to you, I'm just talking."

Remus and Cassiopeia shared an amused grin, awaiting for Sirius to realise his mistake. It took several minutes before the grey eyed boy realised exactly what he said, "Shit! Fuck you Potter!"

Cassiopeia snorted before she looked at her boyfriend, "I'm gonna go find the girls now, see you boys later," She said pressing her lips against Remus' quickly, "I love you," She said in a quiet voice.

"I love you too," Remus grinned as he watched the blue eyed girl exiting the compartment, closing the compartment door behind herself. 

"Looks like you two are going solid," James commented, causing Remus to look away from the door and over at his friends. Even Sirius had turned his head ever so slightly, taking some interest in the new conversation that didn't involve any Head Boy talk.

Remus felt his cheeks heating up. He never thought he would date anyone let alone someone who he loved so dearly and hoped to spend the rest of his days with, "Yeah," He nodded, the widest grin anyone had ever seen spread across his face, "Yeah, we really are."

Sirius couldn't deny that this was the happiest he had ever seen his werewolf friend. It was also the happiest he'd ever seen his sister. For the first time in years the smile she wore was genuine and whilst most brothers would be angry about their friend dating their sibling, Sirius was more than ecstatic about it; knowing very well that they were two broken souls finally coming together and it was truly magical. 

"I'm happy for you two," Sirius' voice caught all the boys by surprise. They all turned to look at him as he kept his eyes on Remus, a genuine smile on his face.

Remus grinned, running his hand through his hair, "Thanks, Padfoot. That really means a lot," His pocket suddenly began to feel heavy and he let his hand find its way inside, gripping the small box his father gave him tightly, "Can I ask you guys something?"

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