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CASSIOPEIA STOOD AT THE BACK of the Potions classroom. Her eyes were focused purely on Professor Slughorn as she waited anxiously for him to call her name out. The man always loved to assign their seats, it was like his secret hobby, a hobby that all students absolutely despised,

"Black," He read off his parchment, pointing to a seat close to the back of the classroom, "And--"

"Which one?" Sirius interrupted, looking bored.

Slughorn simply shrugged, "It doesn't matter, Mr. Black, you're both sat here."

Cassiopeia felt her jaw clench. She let her eyes wander over to her brother and noticed the annoyed look etched upon his face.

"Can I sit somewhere else?"

Cassiopeia would be lying if she said that that question didn't hurt. She felt multiple students looking at her, but when she quickly glared at them they all looked away, all apart from three. Remus Lupin, James Potter and Peter Pettigrew kept stealing glances between the Black siblings, their eyes full of confusion and sadness.

"I'm afraid you can't, Mr. Black," Slughorn replied, "Come on now, we don't have all day," He added, sending a pointed look at the siblings before he walked off to a different table, calling out more students.

Cass let out a sad sigh, gripping her shoulder bag tightly, the black haired girl walked over to her assigned seat and plopped herself down on it. Her jaw clenching with anger when she heard the stool next to her squeaking across the floor; meaning that Sirius had deliberately moved it further away. Trying to not let him affect her, she grabbed her Potions book, quill and ink from her bag before shoving it under the table, her eyes never straying over to her brother. 

Once Slughorn was done with his seating arrangement, he finally began the lesson. As much as Cass hated theory lessons, she was more than glad that the first lesson back was just that. Her piercing blue eyes never strayed away from her book, writing down every little thing Slughorn said; even if most of it was completely useless. She could feel eyes on her and did her best to ignore them, however, that only worked for the first thirty minutes of the lesson.

Finally taking a quick glance around the classroom, she very quickly noticed all three Marauders looking over at her and Sirius every few seconds, worried that one of the Blacks would just burst out and cause an unwanted scene. However, much to their surprise that didn't happen. Sirius and Cassiopeia didn't say a single word to one another, they weren't even sat shoulder to shoulder and instead were practically back to back. 

The last part of the lesson dragged for far too long, and Cass was definitely thinking about punching herself in the face to cause a nosebleed. Just as she thought about how to do it without anyone noticing, she heard Slughorn say the words that made her feel sick.

"You'll be seated in those seats for the rest of the year," The Head of Slytherin stated casually, "Next lesson, you'll be working together, with your partner, to create a Hair-Raising Potion. Your homework is to write an essay on Porcupine Quills and Moonstone and why they are used in certain potions," He wrote the task on the chalkboard behind himself as he spoke, his back facing the students, "Alright, off you go now."

Cassiopeia didn't need to be told twice. She didn't even bother to pack up her stuff and instead she threw her back over her shoulder, grabbed her book, quill and ink and practically sprinted out of the classroom, bumping into students without an apology. 

Remus, James and Peter watched her carefully before she completely disappeared from their view. The trio were out pretty quick, waiting for Sirius to hurry up. Whilst James and Peter were immersed in a conversation, Remus looked back into the Potions classroom. 

His dark eyes instantly spotted Sirius standing in front of Slughorn, a sour expression on his face as he said something to the Professor; something Remus couldn't hear. Professor Slughorn looked confused for a moment before he shook his head as he said something back. Even though Remus couldn't hear what was being said, purely by the look on Sirius' face he knew exactly what he had asked the Professor. 

A wave of anger suddenly pushed through his veins, he didn't know why Sirius started treating Cassiopeia the way he did. None of the Marauders knew, and it was definitely eating them alive, one more than the rest.

Sirius' shoulders deflated before he finally walked away from the Professor, an annoyed expression still painted on his face.

"What the hell is going on with you two?" Remus asked angrily, he couldn't even stop himself.

Sirius looked surprise as he walked over the threshold, "None of your business, Lupin," Sirius muttered angrily as he bumped into the sandy-brown haired boy's shoulder purposefully, before walking off, not even waiting for his friends.

"Are you two thinking what I'm thinking?" James questioned, pushing his skewed spectacles further up his nose.

"That you wish it was lunch time?" Peter asked.

Remus and James turned to face the shortest boy, both of them shaking their heads as James sighed dramatically, "We need to talk to Cass."

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