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IT TOOK REMUS SEVERAL WEEKS to bounce back from the death of his mother. But with the help of the Marauders and Cassiopeia he finally managed to begin the healing process. The couple were now sitting by the Black Lake, finally getting the peace and quiet together. 

Things have been more than stressful the last couple of months. Not only with the unfortunate passing of Hope Lupin but with the upcoming war and with the fact that their N.E.W.T.s neared and they needed to juggle revision, other school responsibilities, planning for their future as well as planning on what they were going to do in the Order when they finally graduated. 

However, all that stress seemed to disappear when Remus' hand ran through Cass' long, back locks. She was lying on her back, her head comfortable seated in his lap as he sat upright against a tree trunk, his fingers dancing in her hair as his eyes opened and closed with a soft smile on his face.

Cassiopeia kept her eyes closed, relishing in the feeling of being so close to the love of her life as well as the relaxation she finally felt. The last few months have been incredibly difficult on her, especially whenever she saw her younger brother. The thought of him having to be part of Voldemort's plan kept her up at night and without Remus besides her she found it difficult to fall asleep practically every night. Only time she would sleep were nights that she was too exhausted to think. 

Her relaxation got cut off short when the sound of boys howling with laughter suddenly entered her ears. The black haired girl finally opened her piercing blue eyes, instantly they landed on Remus as he glanced down at her, smiling comfortingly, "Did they wake you?" He questioned, his fingers still weaved through her hair.

Cassiopeia sent him a gentle smile before she shook her head, "I wasn't asleep," She told him before her eyes tore themselves away from her boyfriend and watched the other three Marauders running down towards them, wide grins spread across their faces.

"There you two are!" Sirius exclaimed, plopping himself down onto the grass.

"Here we are," Cassiopeia commented, she was far too comfortable to move so she simply kept her head in Remus' lap. By the looks of it, he certainly didn't mind.

"Did you do it?" James asked, jumping down to sit besides Sirius as Peter quickly followed his actions not long after.

"That's none of your business, Potter," Cass grumbled, stretching her leg out to kick the spectacled boy's knee. She closed her eyes again, trying to go back to the quietness of her mind, and because she did that, she didn't spot the looks Remus sent his friends and the ones they sent him back.

"So...Cass, you're coming to support us, right?" James' voice broke the Slytherin girl from her mindfulness.

She re-opened her eyes and tilted her head to look at the spectacled boy, an amused grin playing on her lips, "You're kidding right?" She teased, "You're playing against Slytherin, re-think your question, Jamesy."

The boys all watched as Cassiopeia finally lifted herself up, dusting off her her jeans from any stray grass strands. She looked down at James, an amused smirk appearing on her face as she patted his head like a dog, "I can't wait to see Slytherin beat your ass," And with that, the black haired girl walked away. 

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