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"SO, WHAT'S THAT BIG MARK on your neck, eh?" James questioned, a teasing tone to his voice.

Cassiopeia felt her cheeks heating up, "I don't know what you're talking about, Jamesy," She said, keeping her head down as she scribbled on her parchment. Trying to act as casual as possible, the Slytherin girl subconsciously moved her head slightly, letting her hair fall over the mark.

James suddenly began howling with laughter, since he very clearly noticed the black haired girl covering the mark up. As soon as he began laughing, practically every student and Professor Slughorn turned to look in their direction.

"Mr. Potter," Slughorn smiled softly, "Is there anything you'd like to share with the rest of the class?"

James grinned as he straightened his back, "Yeah, actually, there is," His statement caused Cass to finally look up. She was quick to notice the amusement written across his face as his smirk widened, "Remus and Cass had--"

Cassiopeia's eyes widened as she threw her hands over James' mouth, muffling the end of the sentence. She felt curious eyes on her as her entire body warmed up with embarrassment, "Don't you dare finish that sentence," She hissed, sending him a pointed look.

"Mr. Potter and Miss. Black, if you two are so keen on talking, why don't you come on up here and tell me what you smell in this potion."

Cassiopeia glared at her spectacled friend before she turned back to the professor; ignoring the stares of her classmates, "Erm..No, thank you, Sir."

Professor Slughorn let out a hearty laugh, "That wasn't a question, Miss. Black," He said, walking over to the table where there was a cauldron filled with something - Cass has just realised how she paid practically no attention during that lesson and had zero idea what was inside - He gestured to it, "Come on up, you two. Or would you prefer a week of detention?"

Cass looked annoyed at James whilst he grinned, his eyes filled with amusement as the both of them stood up. The Slytherin spotted Remus sitting in the middle of the classroom besides Peter, he sent her an amused smile as his eyes stayed fixated on her, especially when she got to the front of the classroom.

"I already know what I smell, Sir," Cassiopeia suddenly revealed.

Professor Slughorn looked surprised for a moment, "But we don't," He suddenly said.

With a sigh, the black haired girl took a step forwards. The memories of her and Liv sitting in the bathroom making Amortentia flashed through her mind. It didn't take long for three extremely familiar smells to fill her nostrils. She felt her heart begin to race as her piercing blue eyes fluttered shut. The smells made it feel like she was sitting right next to him, or wearing one of his many sweaters. 

"Chocolate," Cassiopeia finally spoke up, the comforting smells almost caused her to forget where she was, "New books and mint," She listed off before opening her eyes again. Without saying anything else, Cass stepped to the side, letting James come closer to the cauldron.

Out of curiosity, Cassiopeia glanced at the sea of students, all of them looking interested, especially a certain redhead. The Slytherin felt herself smirking when she noticed a pair of bright green eyes practically super glued to James' back.

Lily felt eyes on her, finally tearing them away from the Gryffindor boy, she let them fall upon her Slytherin friend, her cheeks turning a bright rose colour whilst Cassiopeia simply sent her a knowing look.

"Books," James' voice caught everyone's attention. Cassiopeia turned back to her male friend, her eyes inspecting him carefully as he sniffled the potion with a content smile on his face, "Honey and lilies."

"Wonderful," Professor Slughorn clasped his hands together, "Now, everyone line up. You'll all get the chance to smell it."

James and Cass moved to the side as students practically leapt out of their seats, excited to smell what their soulmate would smell of. She felt herself blushing and looking down at her shoes when Remus' smelt something very familiar. She finally glanced back up when it was Lily's turn, a smirk appearing on her face when she heard her friend's words.

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