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REMUS LUPIN COULDN'T GET THE conversation from the train out of his mind. Part of him really wanted to listen to Sirius and take Cass out, but the other part of him would constantly remind him of what his future and what it would consist of; moving from house to house and staying away from people as much as he could so they wouldn't find out. 

With a sigh, Remus let his dark eyes swim around the Great Hall. Dumbledore had already given them his famous welcome back speech, they sorted a new sixth year boy (who had just transferred from Durmstrang) by the name of Hugo Ivanov into Slytherin before the feast finally began. 

His eyes practically gravitated over to the green and silver table. It didn't take long to spot Cassiopeia, she was sat right at the end with Regulus; the pair of them had arrived later than most students and those were the closest seats to occupy. Her smile was wide as she spoke with her youngest brother with not a single care in the world.

"Why does she always look happier when she's with him?" Sirius' voice snapped Remus from his daydream. The tallest boy looked over at his best friend, noticing that Sirius had been looking over his shoulder at his siblings.

"She's happy when she's with us too," Peter stated as he shovelled another forkful of mashed potatoes into his mouth.

"Yeah, but she's happier with him," Sirius grumbled, letting his eyes fall back onto his plate. His appetite was suddenly vanishing.

"They're in the same house, Padfoot," James finally spoke up, placing his hand onto Sirius' tensed shoulder, "Both here and at home. They just see each other every single day, but you know she's happy with both of you."

Sirius nodded, feeling slightly better but before he could open his mouth, Peter suddenly spoke up, pointing over to the Slytherin table, "Who's that?"

All four of the Marauders turned to look at the Slytherin table and a sudden feeling of jealous seeped right through Remus' veins. He watched as Hugo Ivanov casually strolled over to where Regulus and Cassiopeia were seated. Without saying anything, the new kid took the now-empty seat besides the girl, a wide grin spread across his face.

Remus noticed the siblings stopped talking, the look on Cass' face would've made him laugh if the jealously wasn't prominent in his body. He watched carefully as Regulus and Cass shared a look and before he knew it, the siblings stood up simultaneously, not even glancing at the new kid as they walked off. 

Regulus made his way over to Evan Rosier and Severus Snape whilst Cass walked past the Ravenclaw table and then the Gryffindor one too until she finally reached the table of badgers, going straight to sit besides her blonde best friend, her face instantly changing from emotionless to happy. 

Remus didn't know why, but a feeling of relief enveloped him whilst the rest of the Marauders suddenly burst out into laughter, their eyes still locked on Hugo as the blonde boy ran his hand through his hair, his face looking completely shocked as he tried to act as casual as he could.

Remus didn't eat anything. Instead, he kept glancing behind his shoulder, looking at Cass and Liv chatting away, wide grins on their faces. He really wanted to talk to her, and the box he kept in his robes seemed to be burning a hole in the pocket, reminding him that it was still there, awaiting for him to hand it over to the black haired girl. 

Finally, once the Great Hall was almost fully empty, the two girls stood up, making their way out. Remus was quick to jump to his feet, stumbling around as he gave his friends a shit excuse of why he had to leave so suddenly.

Sirius, James and Peter shared confused looks as they watched Remus speed walk out of the Hall, his hands in his robe pockets as he walked with determination. His dark eyes spotted the two girls as they rounded a corner so he sped up, "Cass!" He grimaced at how creepy he must've seemed now; following them. 

The two girls stopped walking and both of them turned around at the very same time. As soon as Cass' piercing blue eyes landed on Remus, the widest grin he had ever seen appearing on her face as she waited for him to catch up.

"Remus, hi," She greeted the scarred boy when he finally reached them, subconsciously she placed a stray piece of dark hair behind her ear, "How was your Christmas?"

"It was good, yours?"

"Wasn't too bad, thanks."

"C-Can I talk to you?" He suddenly asked, feeling his nerves spiking up, "Alone?"

His eyes remained on Cass as she glanced to her left, but before she could say anything Olivia was already walking backwards, a teasing smile on her face, "You two catch up. I'll see you tomorrow, Cass. Night!" She quickly yelled before rushing away from the pair, leaving them all alone.

Cass let out a soft chuckle as the turned back to Remus, "Is everything okay?"

Remus nodded, his throat suddenly felt incredibly dry, "Yeah, I just...I wanted to give you something. You know, to say thank you."

Cassiopeia's heart skipped a beat, "I told you, you didn't need to get me anything."

"Too late now," Remus chuckled nervously, he gripped the small box into his hand before pulling it out. His hands shook slightly as he placed the box into Cass' outstretched palm. 

She let out a gasp once she opened it, "Rem..." He voice was barely above a whisper as she looked back up at him. His cheeks were bright red by now as he kept his eyes on his shoes, "It's beautiful...W-Would you put it on for me?"

Remus finally looked up and nodded. He took a step closer and took the sapphire blue necklace out of her hand. Wordlessly, the black haired girl turned around, bunging her hair up into a low bun which she kept her hand on. 

Cass felt her breath hitch in her throat when she felt Remus' breath on her neck as he moved closer. The cold metal of the necklace brought her back into reality and she let her eyes fall back onto the gorgeous necklace. It was the bluest thing she had ever seen, and it was shaped a small heart. It rested just under her collarbone.

"Done," Remus breathed out.

Cassiopeia let her hair fall back around her shoulders. She touched the necklace gingerly as she turned around, her eyes falling onto Remus' tall figure.

"It matches your eyes," Remus smiled, his eyes sparkling at he looked at her.

"It's really gorgeous," She told him, a look of pure adoration in her eyes. Leaning up on her tip-toes, Cass placed her lips right onto Remus' cheek - on the end of one of his many scars - before looking back into his eyes, "Thank you."

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