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"WE BROKE UP." REMUS SAID with the straightest face he could.

"What!?" The three boys that entered the dormitory yelled, all of them with shocked faces, well, all apart from one. 

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Sirius questioned, his eyes angry. James was quick to place a hand on his chest, keeping him from lashing out at the werewolf.

"We broke up," Remus repeated himself, "It's pretty self explanatory."

In reality he and Cassiopeia hadn't broken up. In fact, they were probably happier and stronger than ever in their relationship, the shiny diamond ring that sat on her finger definitely conveyed that. But, they couldn't miss up the opportunity to prank their friends and by the looks of it, it was working extremely well.

"How? Why? What?" James was asking all the questions, not being able to wrap his head around the fact that the best couple in all of Hogwarts - apart from himself and his Lilypad, of course - were no longer together. 

"I don't want to talk about it, Prongs," Remus said, throwing the blanket over his head to keep the amused smile off of his face. 

"Fine, but you better start talking tomorrow," Sirius told him, his voice was stern and even though Remus couldn't see him, he knew the black haired boy held a deep frown on his face, the vein in his forehead was also probably popping with the deep anger he felt in that moment.

"Okay," Remus muttered but kept himself hidden away before he eventually fell asleep with the biggest smile on his face.

The following morning from the moment Sirius woke up he was on Remus' case about the whole 'break up', even James and Peter quietened down their own questions when Sirius began and didn't stop even when the four boys finally arrived down in the Great Hall for breakfast.

"Why don't you look more upset about this?" Sirius interrogated, eyeing the werewolf up suspiciously, "I haven't seen you cry or scream or do anything."

Remus sighed, "Just because you haven't seen it personally it doesn't mean I haven't done that," He said, keeping his eyes down on his breakfast. 

"Look, here she comes," Peter whisper-yelled, nodding his head at the Slytherin girl that was walking towards the Gryffindor table, her head was down, her black locks making a curtain to keep her expression completely hidden from anyone's view.

She finally stopped when she reached the Marauders, her hands were hidden away in the pockets of her robes as she shifted from one foot to the other, "Hi," She whispered, trying her best not to look at her fiancé

"Cass..." Sirius breathed out, standing up and walking over to his sister's side. He placed his hands on her shoulders and when she refused to look up at him; knowing very well she would break her cover, he simply pulled her into his chest.

Without hesitation, Cassiopeia wrapped her arms around her brother, suddenly feeling guilty for making him worry. She was about to open her mouth to finally reveal the truth when James began to choke on his pumpkin juice.

The two siblings pulled away, looking worriedly at their spectacled friend as he coughed and spluttered, whacking his own chest as some of the juice began to dribble out of his mouth. The sudden commotion gained the attention of a group of Gryffindor girls as they were walking towards their table and in an instant, Lily rushed over to her boyfriend's side as he began to point between Remus and Cassiopeia, his face red and hazel eyes as wide as saucers.

"Are you okay, Jamesy?" Cass questioned, smiling innocently at him.

"Y-You-You two.." He kept pointing from the werewolf to the Slytherin, "You-You're not broken up!"

"James!" Sirius scolded as the girls looked around the group worriedly.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Cassiopeia said innocently, as she pushed some of her hair out of her face using her left hand, something that definitely didn't go unnoticed from everyone around them, especially when the diamond sparkled under the candle light.

Sirius took a step back, his face turning from anger and sadness to pure confusion, "Wait, what?" He asked, looking between his sister and Remus.

"What is going on?" Peter questioned.

"Oh, yeah, we're engaged," Cassiopeia said nonchalantly, plopping herself down in the empty seat opposite Remus. She began to pile on some waffles as everyone's eyes stayed super glued to her, their mouths open in shock.

"Wait, so you're not broken up?" Sirius questioned, looking between the couple.

Remus grinned up at his best friend, "No, of course we're not. I can't believe you guys actually fell for that," He added with a chuckle, one that disappeared from his face when he noticed the glare he was receiving from the black haired boy, "You better run, Moony, or I will kill you."

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