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THE SICKNESS HAD ONLY JUST passed and it definitely got Cassiopeia thinking. Sure, she wanted to spend the rest of her life with Remus, how could she not? He was literally the love of her life. But having a child? That was something they had never spoken about, and with You-Know-Who rising and getting stronger, now seemed like the worst time to have children; well, for most people, so, before she even took a test, Cassiopeia got in touch with some old friends.

Apparating outside of the Burrow, the young woman took a deep breath before balling her fist up and knocking gently on the front door. It didn't take long for a redhead woman to open the door, a wide grin on her face as soon as she spotted the blue eyed woman, "Cassiopeia, it's so good to see you again," Molly Weasley grinned, bringing Cass into a warm hug.

A smile rested on her face, "It's so good to see you too, Molly," She said politely before Molly ushered her inside. The inside of the house was so warm and homely-feeling. The smell of cinnamon entered Cass' nostrils as her piercing eyes looked around in awe. 

Standing in the middle of the small - yet cosy - living room, Cassiopeia could see into the kitchen, spotting a clock that had no numbers on it, instead, it contained five hands with small photographs of the family, written around it she could make out some words, 'HOME, DENTIST, PRISON, LOST, QUIDDITCH, MORTAL PERIL, TAILOR, BED, HOLIDAY, FOREST, WORK, GARDEN, SCHOOL'. There was several magical cookbooks on a small, handmade shelf. A radio sat near the sink right beside the large window that overlooked the garden. A large wooden table sat right in the middle, it was surrounded by five mismatched chairs and two highchairs. She spotted the side of a fireplace

Looking back around the living room, Cassiopeia spotted the fire burning in the fireplace, the mismatched and slightly scruffy armchairs and sofa in the middle. A huge wooden bookshelf was in the corner, showing off the vast collection of books. Some toys were thrown around the rug-covered floor. The ceiling was uneven - higher in some parts and much lower in others. It was imperfectly perfect.

"Would you like something to drink?" Molly's voice caught Cass from her little daydream.

"Some water would be fine," Cassiopeia smiled politely, "Thank you."

Molly nodded before she began to walk over to the kitchen, a permanent smile etched upon her face. Cassiopeia followed her through, taking more time to survey her surroundings.

"Hungry?" Molly asked as she passed her a glass of water.

Cassiopeia felt her stomach churn, "No, thank you," She shook her head before taking a sip of the water, sighing in relief at the coldness of it.

"So, Fabian told me you needed some advice," Molly suddenly stated as she put a kettle onto the stove. 

Cassiopeia bit her lip as she moved from one foot to the other nervously. It didn't take a genius to spot the worry working itself upon her face, and instantly Molly went into protective mode. Turning off the stove, she gestured for the black haired woman to take a seat at the table before she took the one opposite her, "What's going on?" She asked softly.

Cass took in a deep breath, her piercing blue eyes refusing to meet the redhead's gaze, "How did you--When did you--How-"

"How did I know I was pregnant?"

Cassiopeia's head snapped up, her eyes wide, "H-How did you know?"

Molly sent her a kind smile, "I've been pregnant three times already, I know what signs to look out for. Why do you look so down?"

Cassiopeia fiddled with her fingers, chewing nervously on her bottom lip, "Remus and I haven't really talked about....you know...having children."

"And you're worried he's not going to be happy?"

Cass looked up, nodding, "Exactly, not to mention the Order and--"

"First of all," Molly cut her off, her voice stern, "You need to stop getting yourself so worked up over things. Second, you need to find a midwife - I assume you haven't done that yet?"

The black haired woman shook her head, "No, I...I haven't even taken a test," She grinned sheepishly.

The redhead sent her a comforting smile, reaching over the table to place her hand over both of Cass' as she tapped her fingernails against the table nervously, "It'll all be okay, I promise. Now, you need to go get yourself a test and tell Remus, okay?"

Cassiopeia let out an exhale, "Okay."

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