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CASSIOPEIA WASN'T OBLIVIOUS TO THE footsteps behind her. However, that wasn't going to make her stop walking. She had pretty much outran the Marauders all day and she certainly wasn't going to have all that work go to waste. As much as she wanted to turn around, she practically craved to run into Remus' open arms and have him hold her tightly, she couldn't let them see her like this. 

"Cass, come on!"

"Talk to us."

The black haired girl simply kept her head down, her eyes were fixated on her boots as she walked through the halls. She didn't bother looking up as she rounded yet another corner, sighing in relief when she spotted the stairs that led to the dungeons. 

Just as she was about to take the first step, a hand wrapped itself around her wrist, pulling her backwards and further away from the stairs. She let out a curse but kept her head down, feeling her hair brushing her neck as she refused to look up, merely keeping her tired eyes on the Marauders' shoes. 

"Cass, why won't you look at us?" James asked, his voice held no humour in it. 

"Ha ha, it was just a prank," Cassiopeia said, trying to sound as cheery as she could whilst still refusing to look up, "Got you. I need to go now," She went to turn around when another hand clasped itself around her wrist.

"Cass..." Remus voice was full of concern, she could practically feel the sadness radiating off of him, causing her to feel even worse about not being fully truthful to the boys, "Please, look at me."

The Slytherin bit her lip, hissing in pain when her teeth graced the cut on it. She could feel the stares of all four boys hot on her. Knowing they weren't going to leave her alone - and feeling absolutely terrible for ignoring her boyfriend the last few weeks - the girl finally lifted her head up, still refusing to make eye contact as she felt her dark hair finally revealing her face. 

Cass gulped when she heard the soft gasps escaping from all of their lips. Their eyes focused purely on her large bruise around her eye, the cut lip and the bloodshot eyes. Cassiopeia felt her breath hitch in her throat when Remus stepped closer to her, his fingers touching her chin ever so slightly, causing her eyes to finally lock onto his. 

He could see the pain in her eyes. The worry and the regret and he certainly didn't need to ask her to know where she got all of these injuries from and by the look on her face (as well as her actions) he knew she didn't want to talk about it. So, like a good boyfriend that he was, Remus simple wrapped his arms around the Slytherin girl's shoulders, tucking her into his chest whilst stroking her short hair softly. 

The rest of the Marauders didn't exactly know what to do. They simply stood there, superglued to the ground with their eyes focused purely on the embracing couple. Sirius could feel his jaw clenching, his heart ached for his sister as a guilty feeling settled in his stomach. If he hadn't run away and got disowned he could've been there for her, she wouldn't have had to bear the scars and injuries that she had. 

Cassiopeia finally felt at peace. For the majority of the summer holiday she was completely on edge. The only time she was able to relax was the week she spend with her boyfriend, but the rest was just horrendous and the scars that littered her body would be a constant reminder. She didn't mean to, but the feeling of Remus against her, his fingers stroking her messy hair and his chest moving up and down with each breath, she finally let go of everything and tears practically exploded from her eyes. She knew if Remus didn't have a strong grip on her, her knees definitely would've buckled and she was more than thankful for him. 

"I-I'm sorry," The girl finally breathed out, her voice muffled by Remus' chest, "For ignoring you guys."

"You don't need to be sorry, love," Remus told her, his words were muffled by her hair. He pressed a soft kiss where his lips laid. His eyes fell onto his friends as he kept his girlfriend close to his chest.

"He's right," Sirius spoke up, his eyes full of both misery and anger, "You're not the one that should be sorry, Cass."

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