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SEVERUS SNAPE HANGING UPSIDE DOWN seemed to bring a large crowd of students over to the Black Lake. Cassiopeia pushed her wet hair out of her face as she stood besides Remus, the both of them trying to talk James down from his actions. Sure, they weren't friends with Snape, they didn't even like the kid, but they wouldn't deny the fact that he was innocent. He was minding his own business when James suddenly approached him. He was minding his own business when James whipped his wand out and levitated the black haired boy. 

"Just let him down, James," Remus said once again, taking a step closer to his friend.

"No, I don't think I will," James replied smugly, his eyes twinkling with amusement, "I think I'll teach Snivellus a lesson."

"What for?" Cassiopeia questioned, "He wasn't doing anything," Sure, she had pranked her fellow housemate before, but that was all they were, pranks, she never attacked him when he was minding his own business, not in such a humiliating way and definitely not when he didn't deserve it. 

"James Potter!" Lily Evan's usually sweet voice sounded angry. Cass spotted the redhead pushing through the laughing crowd, glaring daggers at the Gryffindor boy who smirked smugly at her, "Lilypad, you've come to see the show."

Cass and Remus shared worried looks.

"Put him down, Potter!" Lily ordered, her face was as red as her cheeks as she stormed over to him angrily. 

"You know I can't do that, Lilypad," James replied, keeping his eyes on the floating Snape.


Looking even smugger, James finally placed his wand down which resulted in Snape falling down onto the grass. The Slytherin boy groaned in pain whilst James stood over him, "Snivellus."

"You'd be more threatening if you weren't so wet," Snape spat, gesturing to the fact that James was still soaked head to toe from falling into the Black Lake.

"At least I can dry off, you, on the other hand, you'll always look like a slimy, greasy shoe brush," James sneered, pointing his wand back at the Slytherin boy, "You might want to thank her, Snivellus."

Snape rushed to his feet. His eyes swarmed with anger, "I don't need help from some Mudblood like her," As soon as the words came tumbling out of his mouth, his eyes widened for a moment, before an emotionless look overcame his features.

Loud gasps were heard around the crowd, eyes looking between the three students in the middle of it all. Cassiopeia's eyes were wide as she looked at the redhead, her eyes weren't filled with anger anymore, instead they were full of pain and fresh, unshed tears. 

"Fine," Lily muttered and with that, she turned around, her long red locks flying over her shoulder as she rushed off, pushing through the shell-shocked crowd. 

Case didn't know what overcame her, but without giving it much of a thought, the black haired girl pushed through the crowd, ignoring the stares of her fellow classmates as she ran after the Gryffindor girl, "Lily! Lily!"

The redhead finally turned around, still walking as she looked over at the Slytherin, her face now stained with tears, "Y-yeah?" She slowed her walk when she noticed Cass was alone. 

"I'm sorry about him, about both of them," The black haired girl said, running slightly to catch up to the redhead, "James is a doofus."

The faintest smile graced her features, "Yeah, that he is."

"Come on," Cass held her hand out, a soft smile appearing on her lips, "Let's go get some Butterbeers, yeah?"

Lily's smile widened, she wiped the tears with the back of her hand before grabbing Cassiopeia's outstretched one, "Yeah, okay."


CASSIOPEIA SPOTTED THE MARAUDERS EXITING the exam hall and was quick to make her way over to them, a wide grin appearing on her face when Remus' eyes landed on her. 

"Did you like question ten, Moony?" Sirius asked as they walked through the corridors of Hogwarts. 

Cassiopeia felt an amused smirk appearing on her face when she noticed the looks on her friend's and boyfriend's faces. They all had finished their last exam of the year and all of them were more than excited about their summer holidays, well apart from the one Slytherin. 

"Loved it," Remus replied bitterly as he laced his fingers with Cass, "Give five signs that identify a werewolf. Excellent question."

"Do you think you managed to get all the signs?" James asked in a tone of mock concern.

"Think I did. One: he's sitting on my chair. Two: He's wearing my clothes. Three: His name is Remus Lupin."

"That's only three," Sirius piped up, grinning widely at his friends as he threw his arm around his sister's shoulder. The five of them were still walking through the corridors, ignoring the students that ran passed them with ecstatic grins on their faces.

Peter frowned, "I only got two."

AN- Lily and Cassiopeia is a friendship I never knew I needed until now

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