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LILY REFUSED TO LOOK AT anyone. She kept her bright green eyes on the grass, she wasn't oblivious; she could practically feel eyes burning into her as what just happened replayed in her thoughts.

James, on the other hand, seemed incredibly pleased with himself and slightly dazed too. His head was held high with his chest puffed out proudly. His hazel eyes scanned each of the faces that were staring in shock at him and Lily. 

"W-What-What?" Marlene stuttered, her head turning from James to Lily as if she was watching a tennis match, "How long has this been going on for?"

Lily muttered something under her breath, however, her words sounded completely jumbled up.

"What was that?" Cassiopeia asked, raising an eyebrow.

"A week," James' voice was much clearer. He was grinning proudly as he threw his arm around the redhead's shoulder, brining her into his side.

Their friends just stood there, all in complete awe as they began to stutter over one another asking questions upon questions about their new discovery. 

"Hold on, hold on, hold on," Sirius' voice caught their attention, his arms in the air. Much to his surprise everyone around him stopped talking, "You actually managed to keep this a secret for that long?" He asked as everyone's eyes turned to the spectacled boy, staring at him in disbelief. 

"A week isn't that long," Lily finally spoke up, her voice soft as she glanced up at the faces all around her.

"It is for James," Peter told her.

The Gryffindor Chaser looked offended, "Why are you guys so surprised?" He asked in disbelief, "I'm pretty good at keeping secrets. I've kept yours, Moony, for well over a few months now," James' hazel eyes suddenly widened in shock, a sheepish smile appearing on his face.

Now it was time for everyone to turn their direction to Remus, the girls stared at him in confusion whilst the boys looked nervously between the werewolf and the spectacled boy.

"What secret?" Cassiopeia asked, looking up at her boyfriend with a puzzled expression on her face. At first she assumed the secret was about Remus' condition. However, the fact that James added this secret had only been around for a few months caused the black haired girl's mind to swarm with thoughts.

Remus' face paled. His dark eyes widened as he glanced at Sirius, practically pleading the boy to help him out, "Erm..."

"Remus is--"

"Pregnant!" Sirius exclaimed, he threw a hand on James' mouth, muffling his words from reaching Cass' ears. 

"What?" Cassiopeia looked at her brother with an amused glint in her eyes, "You told me not to drink and fly, maybe you should take up your own advice, Siri," She said before turning her whole body to look at Remus, "What's going on?"

Remus' mouth opened and closed like a fish. His eyes were full of worry as he refused to make eye contact with his girlfriend, "I-I- I gotta go," He said in a rushed voice and before anyone could do anything to stop him, the lanky boy was already running away from them, almost tripping over his feet as he disappeared into the crowds of cheering Gryffindors. 

Cassiopeia couldn't deny the worry that settled in her stomach. Her thoughts were running wild as she thought about all the possible outcomes of Remus' secret. Was he not in love with her anymore? Did he want to break up? Was he moving away?

"Cass," Sirius' voice didn't even register in her ears, "Cass? Cassiopeia!"

The Slytherin finally broke out of her trance, her wide eyes looking over at her brother.

"It's nothing bad, I promise you," He said, noticing the look deep in her eyes, "Go after him."

The black haired girl didn't move. She felt as if her feet were cemented to the grass. She didn't want to pry into what wasn't her business, maybe the reason Remus didn't tell her was because he didn't trust her with that information.

"Go," Sirius encouraged her, pushing her shoulder slightly to finally get her moving, which seemingly helped as her legs finally began to move, slow at first before she broke out into a run, pushing through the crowds.

"Maybe you're not that good at keeping secrets," Lily finally spoke up glancing up at James, he looked down at her with a confused look, "I mean, you told me."

"You told her!?" Sirius' voice caught the couple's attention.

James threw his hands up in surrender, "I didn't mean to! She asked me about it!"

Lily gasped, pushing James' chest, "What? No I didn't!"


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