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"THAT'S A PRETTY NECKLACE," LIV commented. She took a sip of her pumping juice, "Where did you get it?"

Cassiopeia could feel her cheeks heating up at the question almost instantly. Glancing down at her empty breakfast plate, the black haired girl refused to answer the question, "You wanna study in the library later today?"

"Yeah sure--Wait, why are you changing the topic?"

Cass finally looked up, "I'm not," She shrugged nonchalantly. 

Suddenly, loud laughter was heard from the lion table. Both girls glanced over at the Marauders as they practically howled with laughter. Cass couldn't help but smile when she saw the wide grin across Remus' face, his eyes half-closed as he genuinely enjoyed himself.

The sandy-brown haired boy suddenly opened his eyes and in an instant they locked right on the Slytherin sat at the Hufflepuff table. The grin was still very apparent on his face as he waved at the girl. Shyly, the black haired girl lifted her hand before the sound of someone clearing their throat caused her to quickly look away from the Gryffindor.

"I see," Olivia smirked, her eyes dancing with amusement as she kept her baby blue eyes on her blushing best friend, "Lupin gave it you didn't he?"

Cassiopeia subconsciously touched the piece of jewellery. She had only received it yesterday but it was already her favourite piece ever. Even better than the snake earrings Sirius had gotten her a few years prior, "Maybe..."

"Cass, you're blushing!"

"Shh!" The Slytherin was quick to shush her, hoping that no one around them would hear their private conversation.

"It's good that you're not a Gryffindor," Liv suddenly stated, a teasing smile tattooed on her face.

Cass raised an eyebrow, "Why?"

"Because you'd blend right into your robes."



"Yeah, well, you're breathing wrong."

"How the fuck does one breathe wrong?"

"Erm, why don't you ask yourself Cassie? 'Cause you're the one doing it."

"I told you not to call me Cassie!"


"Mr. and Miss. Black!" Slughorn's voice was finally loud enough to break the two siblings apart. The rest of their classmates looked between the pair and the Professor, amused grins on their faces; especially on Remus', James' and Peter's, "I have told you two to stop bickering already."

Cass rolled her eyes playfully as she nudged Sirus, the grey eyed boy retaliated almost instantly.

"Detention four o'clock tonight," Professor Slughorn told them both, sending them an exhausted look before he finally turned around and walked back to his desk, running his hand through his greying hair.

"This wouldn't be happening if you weren't stirring wrong," Cassiopeia muttered as she flipped onto the next page of her Potions book.

"I'm not stirring wro--"

Sirius couldn't finish his sentence when suddenly a loud explosion happened. Everyone's eyes turned in the direction of the siblings, their laughter stifled as the sight of Cass and Sirius standing there, both of them with black dust covering their faces and the tops of their uniform. Their hair was pointing in all different directions as their eyes looked like they were about to bulge right out of their sockets.

Their potion was no longer in it's cauldron, and instead it was dripping from the side of the table, causing Professor Slughorn to rush over to the pair, helping them clean it up as they still stood there in complete and utter shock. 

"Why don't the pair of you go and get cleaned up?" The Head of Slytherin suggested, "I'll be seeing you later."

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