DAY 22 - omg

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I'm sorry that I didn't post for the last two days.

But guys I AM CRYING!!! They freaking posted "Tomorrow! You and me got a whole lot of history"!



I can't think right now

I am so freaking excited for what is going to happen tomorrow!

I know already!

What is going to happen,


going to be,


Like...Ya it will be part of history.


But like an important part of history!


I'm going insane!! I know you are tooo


1d, please I am ready! TAKE ME HOME where you're all together!! I will waking up at FOUR tmr, or even stay UP ALL NIGHT tonight, to wait for the news of your reunion to come out! I'll make a lot of MIDNIGHT MEMORIES because they are always MADE IN THE AM. I love yall, just PLEASE give me the best day of 2020 tmr. (although tdy is already rlly rlly good)

(I'll be posting days 19 and 20 tomorrow or the day after, im not giving up on them)


Tomorrow, when I post DAY 23 of this series, we will have known everything that happens. I don't know...what to do. But I am excited, nervous, emotional... Oh my god. I will leave you here (probably crying) and wish us all luck. It feels a unreal to say this but... SEE YOU TOMORROW. (OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG) 

DIRECTIONERS WE ARE TRENDING WORLDWIDE ON TWITTER! GOOD JOB! I don't have twitter account, but everyone who has an account, tweet #10YearsOfOneDirection!!

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