DAY 1 - Video chat!

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Hi fellow directioners!

WeLcOme to the first day of the 23 days of 1D!

We are kicking off with...

A 1D reunion facetime!

Let's go :)

*You can kinda regard this as what happened before the Carpool Karaoke that I wrote about*


btw I found this really cool fan-made video of their video call. I was impressed when i first watched it :))) Not related to this following one that I wrote but ☝you can check it out up there☝ 


Liam is lying on the couch in his apartment with nothing to do at all.

Liam speaking to himself: Haven't talk to Louis for a while... I should facetime him

*grabs phone*

*calls louis*

*Louis picks up phone*

Louis : Eyy wot's up?

Liam: Long time no see mate

Louis: What have you been working on recently?

Liam: Not much but I just went to the studio yesterday, did some recording for new music...It was all good? What about you?

Louis: Hanging out with me family, typical quarantine life... Hope this quarantine thing will be over soon. Oh I'm trying to write some songs...

Liam: Great great... Have you talked to Niall recently? I called him yesterday. He was sad about postponing the tour, how he released the album at the worst timing and stuff.

Louis: Haven't talked to him for a while actually, why don't we call him right now?

Liam: Sure thing!

*a little while later Niall joined the call*

*Niall sitting in front of the piano with a guitar*

Niall: Hey! The three-way facetime you've been talking about, Liam!

Liam: Ha yeah.

Louis: So what's up lad? Writing songs?

Niall: Ye. Kinda stuck actually.

Louis: You're gonna be fine. Look at your album, it's f***ing awesome!

Niall: Just heard your Rompasso remix of Midnight, Liam. It's really good too.

Liam: Thanks! Harry is doing very well too. Adore You is on the charts for like months. Fine Line is so damn good.

Niall: Yeah! So proud of him.

Louis: Has anyone catch up with him recently?

Liam: Not really...Why don't we call him now?

*Harry joins the chat*

Harry (only showing a corner of his head on the camera): 

Liam: Oh my-

Louis: This-

Niall: What they have been asking for...

Harry: It's been a long "18 months"

Liam: We really haven't been together for a long time

Niall: I really miss it

Louis: Ye...well I even wrote a song about you guys

Liam: We all have changed a lot...

Harry: Our ten year anniversary... is coming up

Niall: We need to do something about it

Harry: Since it is our anniversary, and there was five of us on the X factor stage ten years ago...

Niall: We should bring him in

Louis: You know I- I can't forget the fact that he didn't show up for my Just Hold On performance

Liam: It's ok we will talk and we will solve the problem. We just can't go on like that, we can't keep avoiding to talk to one another. 

*They add Zayn to the call*

Zayn: ...hey...

Niall: We need to talk

Harry: We had five of us on the X factor stage ten years ago.

Zayn: But-

Liam: I know a lot of things happened these five years of hiatus, but we are One Direction. We can "make it out alive".

Louis: Zayn-

Zayn: Louis I'm sorry, I know I let you down. I am so sorry I didn't make it but I had a lot of difficulties going on at that time as well. I realized how much of a jerk I was afterwards but I just didn't know how to apologize.

Louis: It's OK now, I just need your apologize and everything's fine. We will start over again, we'll be good friends again ok?

Harry: So what are we gonna do for the anniversary?

Liam: We're gonna give everyone a huge surprise!

Niall: Let's go to the Late Late Show.

Louis: We're very excited. 

   The lads laugh and had an amazayn rest of the phone call. They catch up with each other and planned the anniversary.


A/n: Aaaaaaaaand this is day one! Countdown to 22 days away from the anniversary! 22 more stories to go so stay tuned! Tomorrow One Direction will be participating in an iconic Late Late Show game. It's gonna test the bonding/brotherhood between the boys, and it is gonna be fun. Stay tuned!!! 

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