DAY 11- Video diary (pt.3)

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Liam: Alright that was a lot of fun watching the video diary, we definitely missed those days but now we here doing video diaries again!

Harry: So before we end this video diary, we will be answering a few of your questions.

Niall: Actually they are from eight or nine years ago, but we never answered them.

Zayn: So the first question is, what would you do if your past self time travels to the present?

Louis: I would...tell Louis what would happen to him and tell him to treasure his family. 

Zayn: *pats Louis' shoulder* That is deep. Are you going to do something fun with him as well?

Louis: Ye maybe... bring him to... my favorite restaurant, talk about life.

Liam: Wise. I would bring him to a concert of my tour or our tour or someone's tour, because it was my dream when I was young.

Harry: I would do something similar. Or we would spend time with our family, drive around our hometown maybe. He might be surprised how much it has changed.

Zayn: I would bring him to my studio and let him listen to songs I wrote and current hit songs. It would be interesting.

Niall: Ehhh I would go to LA with him. Or any modern city in the US. It would be fascinating to him. 

Liam: Our video is getting too long, and unfortunately we'll have to end it here. But we will be back next week we promise.

Harry: If you want us to answer your question in our next video diaries, leave a comment below, or tweet and hashtag #1DVideoDiary. 

Louis: SEE YA!


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