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Louis: Oi OIII...We always yell random things back then, didn't we? We were noisy.

Niall: ik like POTATOOO

Louis: ya and SUPERMAAAAN

Liam: You still remember all of these wow

Harry: oh oh the joke- Why did the mushroom go to the party?

Zayn: HAHA because he was a fun guy!! I laughed so hard last time Louis told us that...

Louis: Okay so we have a little activity here... Does anyone hear running water? 


Louis: Do you guys still remember the script of Best Song Ever music video

Harry: LEEROY *looks at Liam*

Liam: How are we supposed to remember a script from 7 years ago?

Louis: Right so we have the script here *gives everyone a script* and we need to recreate it.

Harry: Oh no.

Zayn: It's embarrassing why would you agree to do this Louis? 

Louis: I don't know, James told me to do this, probably because he himself wrote the script.

Louis: Alright ready? *clear throat* *about to begin* *can't help laughing*  

Louis: *in a low voice* So I said to her, "Angelina, I want to! I really, really want to."

Niall: But what about Brad?

Louis: Brad's like a son to me

Niall: You're a good man. *turns away towards the window and facepalm*

Louis: I know, I know...come in!

Zayn: *whisper* oh no

Zayn: *attempts to make a woman voice but turns out into a weird voice* One direction... *change to a high pitched voice* One direction...

*others are laughing so so hard, especially Niall*

Zayn: How did I even do it before? I sound nothing like a sexy assistant...

Liam: Just do it

Zayn: One direction are here to see you 

Niall: *still laughing* Who?

Zayn: Alright why is the line so long... Does James want me to leave again after one day of reunion?

Harry: It's okay just use your normal voice then?

Zayn: One direction? You're making their new movie? Shall I send them in?

Louis: * driving while reading script* What's my line? oh, *changes voice* Sure! I love new movies!

Niall: They're here! The real movie stars!

Louis: The biggest band on the planet! 

Niall:  Alright, they are! I love the Direction! Come on in, guys, take a seat!

Louis: Can I just say what HUGE fans we are of you guys, *adds line himself* especially you Louis? *laughs*

Niall: Huge! Niall, Louis, Liam, Harry, Zack- 

Zayn: It's Zayn.

Niall: *in normal voice* this is awkward... *change voice* Sure. Whatever you say, big guy.

Louis: We cannot wait for this movie! It's gonna be the greatest movie of all time! I'm talking Academy Awards! *getting excited while driving*

Niall: Emmys, BAFTAs! *laughing*

Louis: Have you ever seen Forrest Gump? 

Harry: Sure. *in his most natural but cute voice*

Niall: Better than that.

Louis: Have you seen The Hangover?

Liam: *silence* *didn't know it's his turn* ... (oh) Yeah.

Niall: Funnier than that! *laugh for no reason*

Louis: Have you seen Titanic?

Niall: *supposed to use normal voice but used the Harvey voice* 'Course

*Others laugh*

Niall: *again, supposed to act as Harvey but uses normal voice* Sadder than that!

*Others laugh harder*

Zayn: *teasingly* Sounds okay!

Louis: It's better than okay, Zack! *jokingly refer to Niall's voice switching* It's award-winning!

*Others lol*

Niall: We want to introduce you to our marketing guy. Marcel! Marcel!

Harry: Oop Hi. *charming smile*

Niall: Here he is! He's gonna run you through some thoughts for the movie.

Harry: Really nice to meet you guys. I'm a huge fan. *facepalm* Cute as a button, every single one of you! First scene, I'm talking MASSIVE dance number. I'm thinking a hundred dancers, fireworks, a lot! Dance is just so HOT right now! *whispers* no they aren't.

Louis: *in normal voice* Okay this is taking too long let's jump to Leeroy because Liam is being too quiet!

Zayn: I wanna see Harry do the "Leeroy, hmmmm" thing haha

Harry: Leeroy, hmmm *embarrassed and laughs towards the window* 

Niall: Liam do the Leeroy choreograph!!


A/n: StAy tUned for the next chapter to see if Liam will dance PER-FECT-ly. lol

A/n: There are also ppl saying that the band broke because of the bad management. It feels so tragic. The boys are so poor. They were just kids who sing and perform... Seriously, 5 album and 4 tours in 5 yrs is too much.

A/n: I can't stop giggling while writing this chapter lol... Cringy, embarrassing, and amusing hahaha

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