DAY 12 - Side effects may include...

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One direction is taking over the late late show, so...James Corden isn't here in the following story.

Basically what I'm doing here is put a twist to Harry's Side Effect May Include.


Harry: NOW! We've all seen those prescription drug ads on TV where at the end, it says, "side effects may include" and then they list a long set of side effects. Yes? 

*audience yell "yes"*

Harry: Seen those? Ok. WELL, it turns out, that side effects aren't just for drugs. There's side effects for everything in life, which brings us to our segment, side effects may include. 

*roll title*

*Harry takes a sip of water and puts down the mug*

Harry: Is anybody thinking of bringing a band back together?

*audience scream at the top of their lungs*

*camera zooms out and Louis comes in*

Louis: ME!

*Liam comes and wraps his arm around Louis' shoulder*

*audience scream again*

Liam: Me too

Louis: Can you not touch me Liam?

*Liam moves away*

Harry: *not noticing* If you're thinking of bringing a band back together, you should know-

*camera zooms out again and Niall appears*

Niall: Is someone talking about getting the band back together?

Harry: Uh yes and ohmygod why are you all here?

*Zayn comes in*

*Audience is so freaking loud*

Zayn: I thought us five are getting back together.

Harry: Yes yes yes

Zayn: And it might be better for all of us to do this segment together...cause we know the side effects very well...

*the boys sit down at the desk*

Harry: Ok. Where was I? Oh right, if you're thinking of bringing a band back together, you should know that there are side effects. And those side effects may include...

Harry: Comparing one another's solo careers.

Niall: Oh I thought we all agreed that I have the most successful one.

Zayn: No I think Harry does.

Liam: Zayn! yours is the best

Louis: How does no one talk about mine?

Harry: ...*blinks*


To be continued tmr

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