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It was the next day and I was sitting next to Payton on the couch while the rest of the guys were getting the stuff ready for our meeting.

"So we have a lot to talk about today." Sebastian said walking into the living room with the rest of the guys behind him.

They all sat down and he continued, "first, we have a scheduled photoshoot with Zumiez on Friday."

"Are you serious?" I asked excitedly.

"Yeah." He smiled at me and continued, "second, we were invited to create a design for a shoe by us at Vans."

"Holy shit." Jackson said looking at us smiling.

"And this is the best thing out of all of it, drumroll please." He said pointing to Kalden. Kalden did a small drumroll and Seb cleared his throat.

"We were invited to start our own clothing brand, kind of like Odd Future."

We were all pretty excited with all the news and with the rising fame that the house was getting, a lot of companies wanted to collaborate with us.

Jake sat next to me and whispered in my ear, "you want to go hang out?"

I nodded my head and after the meeting was over, I got ready to go out.

I threw on a pair of shorts and one of Jake's shirts. I walked down the stairs followed by plopping myself next to Payton who was watching a movie.

"Another date with Jake?" He asked pausing the movie.

"Yeah, probably just going to go get some food."

"I think you guys make a really great couple, even though you both have gone through hell to be together."

I smiled and ruffled up his hair, "thanks Payton."

I waited for a while until Jake finally came down. He had fixed his hair nicely and was wearing a collared polo shirt.

"Ouuu, you look so cute!" I said excitedly while going over to where he was.

"I look like a typical white church boy."

I laughed and kissed him quickly, "So where are we going?"

"Well I was thinking we could go to the mall, if you want."

"Okay." I grabbed the keys and he snatched them away immediately.

"I'm driving." He gave me a smile and grabbed my hand. He lead me to the car and gave me a kiss before leaving to get to the drivers seat.

(Sebastian's pov)

"Where'd they go?" I asked as I walked into the living room. I heard the front door shut and saw (Y/n)'s (y/h/c) hair flow outside as her and Jake got into the car.

"Another date." Jackson said annoyed. I knew Jackson still liked her. I also knew that Elijah did too.

I was the only one not simping over the girl who changed our lives. We agreed that we could love each other as friends but she never made that deal with anyone else.

"They will probably last for a long time. So just give up." I plopped myself on the sofa and stared at the ceiling.

"I know. But don't you think that it's just weird. Like we all were in Florida and we all knew that every one of us liked her but we didn't care."

"We were stupid. Elijah is just lucky that he got to move back."

"You want to go back?" He asked surprised. I nodded my head and sighed.

"I just miss being the friend group everyone knew about. I miss hanging out on the weekends and sleeping over at (Y/n)'s house."

"Yeah same."

"We can't go back now though." I tugged at my hair slightly and sat up.

"We didn't even get to finish high school. We could have went on a trip together after graduation. I just-"

"I wish we were normal teenagers again. I wish no one knew about us on social media." I interrupted.

"You took the words right out of my mouth."


((Y/n)'s POV)

I sat in the car and waited for Jake to speak up. We had finished at the mall, but he sat there thinking.


"Do you think we will last?"

I was kind of surprised, "yeah, I hope so."

"But do you have the same feeling that I have?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you ever think about marrying me, or having kids, or everything after social media?" I didn't understand why Jake was asking all these questions now. Maybe I thought about marrying him, but that was before we started to be on & off. I want to be with Jake for a long time, but I'm young and still don't know what's going to happen in the future.

"Yeah, but why are you stressing about it?"

"I don't know, I was just thinking."

"Jake, I will be here for you. No matter what." I guess Jake knew something was up and I didn't know anything about it.


We walked into the house. Jake's mood was all over the place, ever since the weird talk in the car and the guys were being weird too.

They were all sitting on the couch looking at us. I sat down next to Sebastian, "What's going on?"

"We all decided that we want to move back. We want to just be able to live in Florida and do our brand deals there. I can't live in LA anymore. We used to have so much fun, but now it's all about business."

I paused and looked at him confused, "Seb, you're the one who made it into a business with all those stupid meetings for managers. You were the one with the idea to live here, and now you're regretting it?"

He nodded his head and didn't say anything else. I looked at the rest of the guys and the all looked kind of miserable.

"So you guys want this too?" I asked and they all returned with nodding their heads. I looked at Jake and he kind of looked out of it. Maybe it was a shock to him too.

"So you're parents spent this money for nothing? We're just going to go back to Florida and buy another house?" Tears were about to swell in my eyes, but I didn't care. Sebastian was throwing all our hard work away.

"At least we will be happy. You even know (Y/n), you know that it was fun when we were in high school and loved to hang out, but now your biggest fear came true."

"We are losing ourselves." I finished. Tears started to stream down my face and the only thing going on in my head was the regret of saying "yes" to even moving here.

"We will be in Florida & it will be a home, not hell, not just being sad all day." He grabbed my hand and I looked up at him, " You said you wanted us to all be together, we will. But you need to be happy. We will still have our brand deals and our new shoe design. We just aren't fit for LA. I don't think anyone else is. We promised to not change, we can't be like everyone at the other houses, they change sooo much they just end up being fake."

He used my words against me, but he was right. We did promise those things & I needed to keep mine, "Alright."


Hey guys !

So tell me how u feel about the move back, do u think it will be better for them?

Next chapter is the last one, but just want say thank you so much for all the amazing support!

Love you all <3

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