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(2 weeks later)

I was getting ready for my day when my phone started ringing. I answered it without looking at the caller ID, "Hello?" I said as I walked back into my closet to find an outfit.

"Hey (Y/n)." It was Elijah. He hadn't called me since our breakup which was about a month ago and all I could think about now was us, I was doing fine. Why'd he have to call?

"Hi Elijah." I put the phone on speaker and started to get dressed.

"So I just wanted to check up on you and tell you that I'm doing alright. My mom's doing good also."

"Well tell her that I really miss her & I hope she gets better." I sat down at my desk and just stared at my phone.

"Alright I will, so how are you doing?" He asked.

How was I supposed to respond to that? He doesn't call or text after he leaves without saying goodbye and what does he expect me to be,okay? I'm doing fine, but hearing from him made me think of everything we were and that I loved him. "I'm okay."

"okay well I hope that everything is going well over there with the guys." It went silent and I didn't reply because I had started to cry again. I promised myself I wouldn't cry over him anymore because I didn't want to feel weak the way I did before. "you okay?"

I wiped my tears and sighed, "I'm going to go Elijah, I'll talk to you later." I hung up the phone before he could say anything and went to the restroom to wash my face.

After I was done I sat on my bed and looked at the ceiling for a while but when another phone call came on my phone, I got up to answer it.

I looked at the caller ID and saw Jake's name, "Hello? We live in the same house why are you calling me?"

"I just wanted to see how you are doing, I heard you crying."


I hung up the phone and went to his room. When I opened the door I was kind of amazed. I had never been in his room since we moved in so everything was new to me. I looked around and saw pictures of all of us together in Florida, at school, or at my house. But when I turned around I saw a whole section of just us, Jake and I's pictures were there. I looked at them closely and then saw Jake standing next to me, "Do you like it?"

"Yeah I really do." I smiled at him and he pulled out a box from under his bed.

"Here." He handed my the box and I sat on his bed to open it. I saw a bunch of pictures inside and multiple little notes. He had the receipt for the McDonalds we bought on our first tutoring session. I looked through the pictures and smiled at one that was a screenshot from our live when we confirmed our relationship, "Jake, why do you have all of this?"

"Because I need to remember the times that I felt happy and all of them were with you." He sat next to me on the bed and smiled, "This is yours now, I was going to give it to you if we ever got back together but I've been waiting."

I looked all the pictures and smiled throughout the tears that were now falling from my eyes, "Thank you." I put the box to the side and hugged him. He held on tight and I did too and when we pulled away we just stared at each other, "So what now?" he asked.

"I don't know."


I walked downstairs and found the guys in the wine cellar, "What are you guys doing?"

They all looked at me and laughed, "It's a project." Sebastian said as he looked at the other guys. I looked round them and at the floor. There were containers of that BANG! drink everywhere.

"Are you guys serious?" I asked them.

"What? It's for "the boys" only so don't worry about it." Jackson said while hugging me.

"whatever, anyone want to go to Target with me?"

"For what?" Anthony asked.

"For food, I'm hungry." I said smiling at them.

"I'll go with you." Diego said wrapping his arm around me. I went to get the keys while he put his shoes on and then we went in the car.

"So what kind of food are we getting?" he asked.

"We are going to get one bag of chips, one candy, & one soda for each of us. You remember the guys favorites, right?"

"Yeah, it'll be chill."


After Diego and I's little Target trip we got back to the house and dropped off each of the guy's stuff in their rooms.

"Hold up, I gotta go pee. You just finish with Jake's stuff." He said holding his crotch and looking like he was actually going to pee himself.

I walked into Jake's room and didn't see him in there so I just left his stuff on his bed. I was about to leave but then a pair of arms wrapped around my waist, "Where are you going?"

"Downstairsss." I said emphasizing the "s".

"Why don't you just hang out with me?" He put his head on my shoulder and I turned around to face him.

"Because I want to hang out with the other guys too, why don't you come downstairs with me?"

He looked at me and looked annoyed, "fine I guess." I laughed and he walked toward the door and then just stopped, "Jake keep going!"

"Nah, I walked enough." He stood really still at the door and didn't move.

"C'mon Jake. Let's go." I tired to push him but he wouldn't budge.

I waited for him to get up and when he finally did he smiled at me, "Race you!" He kissed me on the cheek and then started to run downstairs and all I could do was laugh and race after him.

I started to remember when he used to do that when we were still in school and at the Miami Linked House. I missed those moments.

But it seemed like he was going to bring me my happiness back.

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