
522 13 1

I woke up and looked at Jake.

He was hugging me to his chest and sleeping nicely, nothing had happened last night I just let him stay.

I reached over to my phone and looked at the time it was already 9:45. School had already started.

"Jake" he was still asleep.

"Jake cmon wake up" I was practically hitting his chest until he woke up.

"Can I sleep for ten more minutes?" He said still with his eyes closed.

"No we have to go to school we're late." I got up from the bed and started getting my clothes to get dressed. "Cmon let's go" I got out of my closet with an outfit and saw Jake still laying in bed. "Jake please."

"No." He crossed his arms like a baby and still rolled himself in the blanket.

"Oh my god Jake." I went to the restroom, got changed, and went back to the room where Jake was still on the bed. I laid next to him and he smiled.

"You're so bossy. I just want sleep." He grabbed me close and started to almost fall asleep.

"Jake I'm going to leave, we are already late and it's not fair that you're making me more late." I got up from the bed and looked at him crossed armed.

He opened his eyes and looked at me. "Okay." He sat up from the bed and put the blanket around his head like he was a nun. "I want something in exchange first since you woke me up."

"Okay. What is it?"

He puckered his lips out and looked at me, "please."

I sat next to him on the bed and pecked his lips, "okay now let's goooo." I pulled his arm and he got up.

"Wait (y/n). What are we?"


"No, cmon be serious." He grabbed my hand and looked at me.

"It's up to you." I said.

"No (y/n), you know I want you. It's your choice I'm waiting for." He kissed my cheek and then went to the restroom.

I let him borrow some of the clothes my brother had that he said weren't his style anymore before he left for college and then we were off to school.

"(Y/N). Hello?" Alvaro had been trying to get my attention in lunch for the past ten minutes.

"What's up?" I smiled at him and he looked at me closely.

"You're acting weird, what's up with you?" Roshaun asked before stuffing the disgusting school lunch into his mouth.

"I'm fine. So it's finally Friday, what's the plan for our hangout this week?" They both looked at each other and looked back at me.

"We have dates." Alvaro said.

"With two hot seniors." Roshaun added.

"Oh alright. I guess our annual Friday hangout will have to happen next week." I looked down at the choppy salad I decided to pick at for most of lunch.

"We're sorry, we didn't know how to tell you because we do understand how you love our annual Friday hangouts." Roshaun said.

"It's alright guys, I'll just hang out with—" I cut myself off before I could finish my sentence. "Nevermind."

"Who are you going to hang out with?" Alvaro asked me. I looked at Roshaun and he looked at me with his mouth full of food.


"Me." Jake sat down next to me and put his arm around my shoulder.

Alvaro looked so pissed off I thought he might've exploded, but Roshaun was just watching the whole thing.

"Excuse me? (Y/n), you don't even know him. Dude chill there's a lot of guys (y/n) has turned down and I don't think she wants you." Alvaro tried to shoo him away but Jake still sat right next me.

"Oh really? Well I think (y/n) thinks differently." He leaned in to kiss me on the cheek but before he could I jumped up from my seat and grabbed my bag.

"I'm going to the library, good luck on your dates." I waved them off and then walked towards the library.

Shit, he probably thinks I hate him or something. I just don't want anything to get out to Alvaro or Roshaun. They are my best friends, but this is something I want to keep a secret.

I went to the back, sat down, and closed my eyes.

"Yo, what was that about?" Jake said while walking up to me.

"Look Jake I just don't want Alvaro to know. He's my best friend and he doesn't really like you, so he would literally kill me if he knew."

He sat down next to me and sighed, "I don't care what he thinks and you shouldn't too. I want to be with you, I want a relationship with you. Not you and Alvaro." He intertwined our fingers and looked at me while his head was still leaning on the bookshelf. "I don't want us to be a secret, but if it means I get to be with you than I guess I'll get used to it."

"You wanna come over after school?" I acted like I ignored his statement and stood up. He stood up too.

"Yea, but don't forget what I just said,okay?"

"Okay. Let's go to next period."

"Why doesn't he like me though it kinda doesn't make sense?" It was already 8 o'clock and Jake and I had been hanging out in my room just watching movies.

"I don't know how Alvaro thinks. He's just really protective, I mean we're best friends." I looked back him. He was rolled up with my Stranger Things blanket.

"Friends don't protect that much. I can tell he likes you." He got up from the bed and sat next to me where I was at on the bed.

"No no no, Alvaro and I are just friends."

"Maybe to you, but he may think differently."

I shrugged and he just laid back down.

"Hey (y/n)?"


"Why didn't you listen to him? Like he told you to stay away from me but you didn't." He was messing with a string on the blanket.

I scooted over to where he was and sat next to him. "Because he's my friend not my boss. And he won't make things between me and you bad." Jake smiled and I smiled too.

I put my hand on his cheek and he looked at me confused, "Jake, I want to be with you." I didn't let him answer I just kissed him and he kissed back with both our lips moving in sync.

Jake pulled away and got the tv controller, "We weren't even watching it anyway." He tossed it to the floor and cuffed my cheek in his hand. "I want you too." He puts his lips on mine again and in the moment he was all I wanted. I didn't need to think about anyone else.

I grabbed the bottom of his shirt and tried to lift it up, but Jake pulled away and looked at me, "No no. You have to ask."


He stood up from the bed and brushed his hair back."Not my rules, their yours?"

"Jake that's not fair." I crossed my arms and he laughed.

He tossed himself on the bed and hugged my waist, "Let's stay like this,alright?" He pecked my lips and went back to hugging my waist.


𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐨𝐲 || 𝐉𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐫Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang