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I was in my usual spot during lunch, the library. Since I wasn't really talking to the guys or anyone for that matter, I decided to go there every day and look at the books. I'm pretty sure I've read almost all of them by now because I've been here so many times. I'm looking around the shelves and decide to pick an actual chapter book called, "Faceless" by Alyssa Sheinmell, I had read the book in seventh grade but didn't really pay attention to the good details because it was for a book report. As I'm about to grab the book another hand meets mine and then we both pull away. "Sorry" I pull my hand away and look up and see Sebastian. "Never mind I'm not sorry, you did it on purpose."

"Look (y/n), we need to talk."

"I'm good, I don't want to talk to you right now."

"Well I'm going to talk but if you don't want to listen then don't." I stayed silent and he continued, "We need to work this whole situation out, none of us are talking to each other and it sucks."

"Wait you aren't talking to the guys?"

He nodded his head no, "All of them went back to their old habits, Jackson isn't even here right now because he got so drunk with his dad last night that he couldn't come to school, Jake is getting all emotional on us and won't say why he's acting that way."

"And you?"

"What do you mean, me?"

"Like what's going on with you. No one's perfect, you must have messed up too."

"I'm just trying to get us all back together again; I miss the group and I miss being able to talk about our problems with each other. I'm staying at my ex-girlfriend's house and I don't want to be there. I just want to have our friendship back, and I want to have the only family I have back with me."

"I get what you're saying, but just because you are miserable and feel like your world is ending doesn't mean everyone else is. I'm doing just fine without you guys and yes I want to fix what is going on, but what can I do? I'm not the one who was trying so hard to forget that Elijah died. Let's just talk when it's the right time. I have goals right now, Sebastian, I'm going to get a job today. I'm moving on with my life, why can't you?" I grabbed the book and started to walk away when he yelled my name. I turned around and saw people looking at me from the table on the side. I walked back to where I was and looked at him confused, "What? My god you didn't have to yell."

"We can't give up. We need each other and I can't live without you guys. It's hard. I miss being around you and watching movies and holding you hand. I miss everything about you and that's why I realize we all do miss you. We were the ones who messed up and now we are in that deep shit that we always talk about. We need to fix this fast before we lose another friend. I'm sorry, I didn't want us to think about Elijah it was just my way of wanting to forget he even did that. I'm so sorry." A tear rolled down his face and I cleaned it with my thumb.

"I'm sorry I turned you guys into a bunch of softies." He laughed and hugged me close. I enjoyed his hug because I hadn't gotten one of those in a while. Guys just go in to kiss me and don't think about the feelings that I have. I held onto him tight and then we both pulled away. "Let's fix this."

"Yea let's do that." He messed up my hair and laughed. I went to go grab my bag, but he snatched away from my hand.

"Give me my bag Sebastian." I reached for it and he made it go farther away from me.

"Chill I'm holding it for my girlfriend." I looked down at my shoes and then acted like I never heard what he had said. I wasn't sure how to react to those comments anymore.


I opened the door to the arcade and saw Anthony playing around with some kids. He noticed I was there, so he walked over to where I was, "Hey." The gleam in his eyes were gone and it didn't seem like he was okay.

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