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"(Y/n), you should've told me." We were walking home from our emotional night and Elijah was the only one left with me.
"It wasn't the right time."

"But you have to understand that I would do anything to make you happy. You are my reason to live and I want you back. I want what we had back. Do you know how hard it is to know that one day we may never talk to each other again? I want you to tell me everything, I want you to trust me, because now I understand why you never wanted to come back to my house after that summer. I care for you a lot."

"Thanks & I will. It's just hard to talk about those specific things."

"Yea I understand."

I laid on my bed and looked out my window. The clouds looked pink in the night and I loved the stars where they were. I got my phone from my nightstand and checked the time. 3:05am.

As soon as I put it down, it started to ring. I picked it up again and looked at the picture on my phone. It was Jackson and I. I had never changed the photo, so it still had the picture of us cuddling in his bed.

"Hey." His voice sounded tired.

"Are you drunk Jackson? You know you can't take alcohol at all."

"Do you still love me?" He was crying. This was a sign he is definitely drunk.
"Jackson go back to bed."

"But I'm not in my room."

"Where are you?"

"Waiting for you outside."
I looked outside my window and saw him standing and waving at me.

I ran down the stairs and opened the door. "Jackson what the hell?"

"Can I come inside?" He took a step forward and then almost fell.
"Yea hold up I got you." I put his arm around my shoulder and started to help him walk up the stairs. He plopped on my bed and I sat next to him.

"So what's up? It's 3 am."
"I don't know how to feel anymore. I said we were just friends, but it's hard."

"Jackson just calm down, you can stay here for the night, just relax."
He got up and leaned in close to me. I could smell the alcohol from his breathe, "Don't do something you are going to regret Jackson."

"I won't." As he leaned in closer to me he hugged onto my waist and started to cry more which made me hug him tight.
"Why did you drink Jackson?"

"My dad told me to. He's been making me get drunk with him some times just so he knows that in the future I'll be like him."
"You're not like him, so don't do that."

"I miss you so much."
"Jackson you're drunk."

"And you're beautiful. I want to kiss you so bad and I wish you wanted me the same. I know the guys all like you, but I don't want to say anything because I had you first."

"Technically it was Elijah."

"I dated you first (y/n)." He laughed and then we just laid down on the bed.
I turned the other direction and he hugged me making me the little spoon. "Thank you." He kissed my neck and then put his head down on the pillow and began to fall asleep.

I laid there for a little bit until I knew he was fully asleep and made myself a bed on the floor, I wasn't trying to be hoe with all the guys I didn't want that. Rumors were already going around that I hooked up with all them, so I don't want anymore.
I woke up and started to get ready for school.
After I finished changing I looked at Jackson laying in my bed peacefully, I crotched down next to him and ruffled his hair.
"Hmm?" I laughed a little and went back to the restroom and when I got back he was awake.

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