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Jake and I were sitting on one of the sofas when they boys went upstairs.
"I missed you. It's doesn't seem like you want me so much anymore."

"I'm just confused about what I want Jake."
"Okay well let's do this then." He leaned in and kissed me. He grabbed my waist and held onto me tight. Our lips were in sync and then I pulled away. "What's wrong?"

"Well...we were only supposed to do a peck and also it's kinda awkward when we're in my best friends basement."
"Okay sure." He got up and looked pissed.

"Are you okay?"

"Yea I'm good, I'll send Sebastian. This will be your..." he started to count to three with his fingers "third kiss with him right?"

Shit. I wasn't going to just lie to him.

"Jake I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have done it. I was just confused. I don't know what I want." He didn't say anything for a while.
"I get you're confused and I won't be mad about it but I wish you would've told me and not have  my best friend be the one to do it. Sebastian's right all you need is time and we can't rush you. So you choose." He pointed at himself and then laughed, "Me, the hot one, or Sebastian." The fact that he was able to make a joke out of it made me feel bad until he came close to me and kissed my cheek.
"I understand, take you time." After that he went upstairs and closed the door behind him.

I laid back on the couch and looked at the ceiling. "What's up?" Sebastian plopped down next to me and then smiled at me.

"You told him?"
"(Y/n) I had to, he's my best friend and when I told him that we kissed that night, I didn't know you were already making out with him on the side. I told him that there were no feelings attached at least for you and that you were just upset, so that's why he's not that pissed off."
"Okay, let's just do this."

I put my hand on his cheek and kissed him softly but after that I pulled away. After all it was only supposed to be a peck.
He wasn't mad though, he smiled went upstairs and then I saw Elijah come down.

"Hey Bubs." I smiled as I saw him walking down the stairs.
"Hey Chubs, how were the others?"

"I don't even want to talk about it." He laughed and then sat down next to me.
"Okay you ready?" He asked.

He put his hand on my cheek and leaned in. Our lips connected and then I pulled away fast. "Just like our first one." He laughed.
"What do you mean?"
"The last time we kissed you were scared and you just kissed me really fast. I didn't even get to react." He looked over to me and just stayed quiet.
"Why did we stop being friends?"
"Many things Elijah."
"I have to do this (y/n), I'm sorry." He quickly grabbed my face started to connect our lips again. We continued and he pulled me in close to him. They were all making me so confused, all of them, Jake, Seb, and Elijah. What am I going to do?

We were still making out on his basement couch when I pulled away slowly. He leaned in again stealing one more kiss. "(Y/n)?"

"Yea?" We were still staring at each other.
"I don't think I lost feelings. For these years we've been apart, I've missed your touch way too much."

"Oh. Look I really need to think about everything, but you're still my best friend so nothing will change between us."

"Yea, I'll send Jackson." He got up and raced up the stairs.

They are all confusing me so much.
The last one is Jackson Felt, the same kid who's been the rudest in the group. The only reason he's this way towards me is because we secretly dated last year, so for him he thinks it's funny to make fun of me and get in my face without kissing me afterwards.

"Sup (y/n)."

"Cmon Jackson, let's get this over with. No feelings attached like at all."

"Definitely no feelings, never again." He laughed and I hit him in the chest which made him laugh a little more. "Okay serious, serious." He got serious really fast which made me laugh more. He smiled the same smile I had adored last year and put his hand on my face.
"No feelings attached, right?" I asked to make sure.

"Sure sure." He laughed again and then kissed me slowly and then we both pulled away.
"Friends?" He asked. He got up from the sofa and so did I.

"Yea, friends." We both laughed and I gave him a hug, but he threw down onto the couch.


"What?" He was just laughing.

"Come here." He came close to me and I put my hand on his cheek and leaned in, but before our lips touched I slapped him with the same hand that was close to his cheek.
"Oh really, wow (y/n). sneaky." He picked me up and put me over his shoulder, making feel like I was kid again.
"Jackson put me down!"
"You're the one who made me think you wanted another kiss."

He threw me into the sofa and then plopped down next to me. We were just laying there staring at each other when we heard some cough.

We both got up quick and saw Sebastian, Jake, and Elijah waiting by the stairs.
"Is someone a simp?" Elijah said pushing Jackson and laughing.

"No I'm not."

"Then how come you act like you've done that before with her."
We just stayed silent.

"You guys used to date?" Sebastian came out from the stairs and looked at both of us.
Jackson and I were nodding our heads no and yes at the same time which made us laugh.

"Well thats a shock."

"Yea I guess." Jake said.

"Anyways welcome to the group (y/n), you're officially our only girl member." Elijah said.

"This is gonna be fun." Jackson said picking me up onto his shoulder again. We all just laughed and for the rest of the night we played games and watched some movies. After that we all walked to my house to drop me off and Sebastian gave me a piggy back ride. Now that the boys actually argued over that, we have to take turns to carry each other. We all had the best night in a long time

Without knowing what was going to come in the future for us all.

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