Chapter Thirteen: Pranking Part One

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"Okay, so go over this with me one last time?" I pleaded with Fred and George. We have been making plans for this prank for hours and I was so confused at this point.

"Honestly, Sienna how hard can it be?" Fred said jokingly. I stuck my tongue out at him. "Spencer wants revenge on Slytherin, and who better to help than his best friend? Its your job to plant the dung bombs in the hall leading down to the Slytherin common room while George and I distract them."

"Okay, but why am I the one placing them?" I asked. Now that the plan was clear in my mind it seemed extremely unfair. Why do I have to do the dirty work?

"Because, you are a terrible liar." George said.

"I am not!" I cried, they both just gave me a look.

"Yes you are, so you couldn't be the one to distract them."

"Okay fine, I'll place the dung bombs." I said giving up. "So when are we doing this?" I asked them.

"Tomorrow after dinner, you will leave early and everyone will just think you're going to the library or something to study. It will be perfect!"

"Okay. Can I go to bed now?"

"Absolutely not! We still have more planning to do!" Fred said. "Besides, didn't you get enough sleep during your nap today?" He asked winking at me.


George just looked at me, he seemed mad again. Maybe he's just tired too.

"Okay fine, you can go, but were talking about this at breakfast!" Fred said suddenly changing his mind.

"Yay! Night guys!" I said getting up off the floor.

"Night." They both said, George however was less enthusiastic about it.

The next morning I was at breakfast before either of the twins and surprisingly Spencer was at breakfast early too.

"Spencer, wow you're up?" I asked him while laughing.

"Well I wanted to hear all about how we're going to get back at those stupid Slytherin's." He said stabbing his scrambled eggs.

"Woah, Spence take it easy. What did those eggs ever do to you?" I asked, this made him smile. We continued to small talk for a bit until Fred and George joined us.

"Sienna, Spencer. We've got work to do." Fred said evily.

I had finally placed the last dung bomb in the hallway behind one of the statues. That makes about thirteen of them. As I was walking back to the common room to wait for the news on what happened George came running down the hall at me.

"George?" I asked wondering why he was running, when he reached me he wrapped his arms around my waist, picked me up and ran with me into the nearest corner of the corridor. Before I could ask what was happening, a few Slytherin students were walking down the hall. We were trapped and the dung bombs were going to go off soon.

I couldn't tell exactly what the students were talking about, but I could tell that they weren't aware that George and I were in the corner.


The first bomb went off. George pulled me closer to him as the bombs continued to erupt from around us in the hall. The smell was horrible. I dove into George and shoved my face into his shirt. He smelled so good. It was hard to describe, it was woodsy but it smelled incredibe. George had his face shoved in my hair, breathing in the scent of my shampoo, still while his arms were around me. We stayed like that for a while until I pulled away. I looked up at George. There were no students in the hall, so no one would see us leave. We both took off running and didn't stop until we reached the common room.

"That was so close!" I said holding my sides and laughing. George smiled down at me laughing too.

"I honestly thought they were going to catch you setting those!" He added.

"Oh, you guys smell bloody awful, what happened?" Fred asked, joining us outside of the common room. George filled him in on what happened. While I was setting up the bombs George was in the great hall waiting for Fred and Spencer to do their part of the prank. George saw the Slytherins had left dinner early and he ran down the hall trying to get to me before they did.

Fred told us both to stay put outside while he and Ginny got some extra clothes and shower things together because we smelled so bad. I thanked Ginny and walked to the bathrooms. I showered twice before I felt that I smelled nice enough. I got out of the shower and brushed my teeth. Then I saw the clothes Ginny picked out for me. A black tank top and a really short pair of grey soffe shorts. I brushed out my hair but left it down so it could dry, and I walked back up to meet Fred and George.

When I got there they were both sitting on the couch in the common room discussing something.

"Hey guys." I called out as I walked over to them, both of them staring at me. I sat in between them and waited for them to stop looking at me. "What?" I asked and they both snapped out of it.

"So Sienna, George and I were thinking of what we should do for park two of the prank." Fred said

"Part two?!" I asked, I thought we already did the prank.

"You didn't think that was all that we had up our sleeves?" George asked and I looked at him.

"Yeah, of course not." I said trying to lie

"You're a terrible liar Sienna." Fred said laughing.

"I know." I said with a sigh.

"Were going to hit them again Thursday night." Fred said

"I'll be at St. Mungo's then. Which will work out fine because I really don't think I'm good at this." I said

"Hey, it wasn't that bad for your first try." Fred said "Ron could have done better, but it still worked." He added with a smile and George shot him a look.

"Gee thanks Fred." I said acting hurt. I was honestly excited to be let off the hook this time. Pranking was not my strong point, and it was wasn't the best first experience either.

George put his arm behind me and rested it on the couch, he leaned in and whispered "you really weren't that bad, you should have seen how bad Fred's first prank was. It backfired and instead of him turning Ginny yellow, he turned himself yellow." I instantly started giggling.

"What did he just say?" Free asked looking at me

"Nothing." I answered quickly. Fred tried to tackle me and I fell backwards into George who put his arms around me defensivly.

"You're lucky you're my bestfriend." Fred said returning to his seat laughing. I tried to pull way from George. He held on for a few more seconds but then he let go. Fred gave his brother a look and then he said that he was going to bed, leaving George and I downstairs together.

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