Chapter Twenty: Angelina.

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I knew George and Fred wouldn't be out of detention for a while and I couldn't go for a run because I'm still a little weak, so I decided to pull out some books and study. I grabbed my charms textbook and threw it on the bed in my dorm. Hermione was still out with Harry and Ron and since it's the weekend my other roommates won't be here until after I'm asleep. Crookshanks must be hunting because he isn't here either. I'm all alone. No distractions.

It had been two hours and I'm pretty sure I fully understand the next couple Charms lessons. I put my notes and book down and stood up to stretch. It was dark out, but not nearly time for detention to be over with. I walked over to my window and looked outside. I had no idea what to do with myself now.

I decided to do a quick straightening of the room. I pulled my two pillows off my bed and pulled the sheets and blankets tight so the bed wasn't wrinkled. I took off my Gryffindor blanket that my grandmother made for me and I folded it, putting it at the foot of the bed. Then I placed the pillows back on the bed.

I had a water bottle on my end table and some old parchment. It threw out the parchment and opened up the drawers. There was lotion and Chapstick and a few other things but I didn't want to be bothered with it right now so I placed my water bottle in the drawer and closed it.

I fixed my carpet that was in between my bed and the stairs so it wasn't folded over anymore and I pushed it closer to my end table. I keep my shoes under the bed for quick access so I lined them up to make them look neater.

My dresser had a few pieces of clothing sticking out of it so I folded them and closed the drawers so it was all neat and perfect. Then I was finally ready to go downstairs to meet George. I have to admit I was a bit reluctant. After all I still was upset he liked another girl, and that he and Fred nearly scared me to death.

I took a seat on the floor right in front of the fireplace, I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my head on my knees. Then I picked up the fire poker and started playing with the pieces of burning wood.

A long time passed and I just figured George had stood me up. I didn't want to go back upstairs yet but I was tired of waiting. I put down the fire poker and crossed my arms over my knees and buried my face in my arms. I don't know why I was so upset, he probably just got busy and...

"Sienna." George's voice pulled me out of my thoughts and I picked my head up.

"Hey George!" I said happily, I instantly felt better now that he was here. I jumped up and walked over to him. He held his arms out and I walked over to him and hugged him. He held me close to him and picked me up off the ground. When he put me down my stomach was exposed because my sweatshirt had rolled up and I wasn't wearing a shirt underneath. I quickly pulled my sweatshirt back down an looked back up at George.

"Here, I brought you this. Cherry is your favorite right?" He asked holding a Popsicle out for me. I nodded and reached out for it. "that's what took so long, I wanted to stop in the kitchen and get you one."

"Awh, thanks George." I said unwrapping it and starting to eat it. "How did you get into the kitchen?" I asked. I've never been able to get in, it was always off limits.

"I have my ways." He said smirking. Of course he has his ways. Since when did the Weasley twins not have their ways of getting everything? We sat in silence as I finished my Popsicle. Then when I was done I put the stick back on the wrapper and set it aside. George was staring at me and smiling.

"What?" I asked him, becoming self conscious again.

"Your lips are bright red." He laughed, I covered my lips with my hands and giggled a little. "It kind of looks good." He added pulling my hands away with his. I started to blush when his hands connected with mine.

"So how was detention?" I asked him, breaking the silence between us.

"Bloody awful. I had to serve it with Snape. Fred got Professor Lupin, lucky Bloke." I laughed, earning a glare from George.

"I'm sorry, what did Professor Snape make you do?" I asked him.

"I had to organize his potions ingredients, I took the whole time and I'm still not done!"

"If you want maybe I could help? Sometimes I help make potions for him and the infirmary. Next time I'm getting some ingredients I could switch a few around for you?" I suggested. He just smiled at me.

"You don't have to do that, but if you insist."

"You know, maybe I will leave it up to you to do, after all it is your fault that you have detention." I joked.

"Oh yeah? My fault?" He said with a smile on his face and I nodded. I stood up and moved to the couch.

"I'm cold." I said pulling the blanket off the back and wrapping it around my shoulders. George got up off the ground and sat on the couch as well.

"When do you think Fred will get done?" I asked him pulling my knees to my chest again.

"I'm not-" George started to say something but was cut off by someone walking over to us.

"George!" I looked over to the left and saw Angelina approaching us. She reached down and wrapped her arms around George and her hair started falling down around his face and she gave him a quick kiss.

I felt my heart drop and shatter into a million pieces. I started to feel really cold and I was fighting back tears.

"Sienna?" George asked. I must have been staring at the floor.

"Oh. Uh sorry guys I'm really tired. I'm going to go to bed." I said yanking the blanket off of me and letting it fall over the edge of the couch.

"Sienna!" I heard George calling after me but I just kept walking, then running up the stairs and straight to my bed. I turned off my lamp and I just laid there still fully clothes in the dark. I didn't want to cry but I couldn't help it. Seeing them together really hurt, and now I know for a fact that I really like George.

I liked George and he liked Angelina and that was all I could think about.

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