Memorable Days

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Ever since Dawn saved Barry, the whole team stayed by his side waiting for him to wake up. They were all so happy that he was alive, especially Kara who stayed by Dawn's side for a whole day, just taking care of her.

"Wake up." Frost groaned poking Barry's cheek

"Hold on, i've got an idea." Cisco said excitedly running over to his computers. A second later 'Poker Face' by Lady Gaga started to play

"Really Unlce Cisco?" Jesse sighed as Barry jolted awake

"Ha works every time." Cisco said running back to the medbey.

Barry vision was blurrly and disoriented, the last thing he remembers was that he blew up Myriad and then nothingness, then all of a sudden he wakes up in STAR Labs.

"Am i dead?" Barry asked trying to sit up but clutching his hip in pain

"No dad, you're in STAR Labs." Kara giggled

"STAR Labs?" He said forcing his eyes open, "Am i in the Speedforce?" He questioned

"No stupid, Dawn came from the future and saved you before you could sacrifice yourself like an idiot." Frost huffed, as Caitlin punched Frost's shoulder.

"Barry you're alive." Caitlin said as Barry's eyes widened

"I am?" He said as he looked around and saw everyone sitting around him, "Thank god." He sighed leaning back with a smile on his face he was met with everyone bringing him into a tight hug

"We're so happy you're alive." Caitlin whispered smiling like an idiot

"Me too Cait, and i'm sorry for worrying you like that, all of you." Barry said smiling

"I'll leave you guys alone." Cisco said leaving the medbey to give the Allen family dome private time

"Dad, guess what?" Jesse said excitedly

"Are you guys getting married?!" Barry asked like a little kid

"What, no, that's later." Alyssa said causing Jesse to blush hard, "What we were going to say is that we told every news outlet in the world about your sacrifice, and now." Alyssa said happily turning the tv on to see a Flash statue in the middle of Central City. Barry read the headline and smiled

"International Flash Day." He said in shock as his family nodded

"Yup, now everyone can regonize the hero that is our dad." Kara smiled

"Wait, you said Dawn saved me, and she came from the future." Barry asked worriedly as they sadly nodded. He was not going to allow this, he was going to let the speedforce take away his daughter for wanting to meet her dad. Barry closed his eyes and manifested the speedforce, "You can't take Dawn away." Barry said sternly

"Calm down, we do not wish any harm upon your family, even if she travelled back in time, because we were the ones that granted her enough speed to break the time barrier." Nora smiled warmly as the Allen family hugged her

"Thank you Grandma Nora." Kara smiled, Nora smiled and disappeared

"Thank god, you're staying Dawnny." Jesse said bobbing her little sister in her arms

"Wait, so now instead of only Central City celebrating Flash Day, the whole world does, like Christmas?" Barry asked as the nodded excitedly, "Oliver's going to be so jealous." Barry chuckled

"He was the one that spread the news in Star City, he even had a whole speech about you, you should watch it." Frost said

"Wait why would Uncle Ollie be jealous?" Kara asked

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