Gender Reveals

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Five  months into the pregnancy, everyone in the Allen family has been helping Caitlin and she is greatful for everything. When Barry isn't home either Kara, Alyssa or Jesse would help her with her weird cravings or around the house with cleaning. Today Barry and Caitlin went to get the baby's gender.

"You ready Cait?" Barry asked walking down the stairs


He took her hand and they walked to the car to drive to the doctor's office. When they were waiting Barry noticed Caitlin's excitement

"Mr and Mrs Allen?" One of the nurses said as Barry and Caitlin stood up and walked into the office 

"So just lie down here." The doctor said leading Caitlin to the bed. She began appling the cream to her stomach and looking at the scans 

"Congratulations, it's a girl." The doctor said smiling at them. Barry smiled and wiped his tears and kissed his wife 

"We're having another daughter." Caitlin said also crying 

"I love you Cait." Barry said kissing her forehead

"And i love you too, Dawn." Barry said smiling at her stomach

"We love you too Barr." Caitlin said kissing his lips

The two left the doctors office and returned to the loft to see Jesse, Alyssa and Kara waiting Kara ran excitedly at them and hugged Caitlin's stomach. 

"Calm down sweetie, she'll be here in 4 months." Barry said 

"She....." The three girls said in unison 

"Yup, we're having another daughter." Caitlin said smiling as they all hugged her 

"Too bad, i wanted a little brother." Jesse said 

"Yeah, for all the wrong reasons though." Alyssa said laughing

"Hi, Dawn." Kara said waving at Caitlin's stomach

"I'm one of your big sisters, Kara." She said which everyone found adorable

"You're gonna be the best big sister." Barry said lifting Kara onto his shoulders

"Yep." Alyssa and Jesse said

"Hey for dinner tonight i was gonna make a Kryptonian recipe that your mom gave us but i'm not exactly fluent in Kryptonian, can you help me?" Barry asked looking up at Kara as she nodded and jumped off his back and ran to the kitchen

"So are we having a gender reveal party?" Alyssa asked

"How about next week?" Caitlin said 

"Why next week?" Jesse asked 

Caitlin pulled out her phone and showed them that Barry had found a afforable house and big enough house for their family and thye were gonna be moving their stuff there this week.

"Mom, i know you wanna help move but you are gonna be staying at Grandpa joe's while we move." Jesse said 

"But i live there too." Caitlin said 

"Don't worry Kara can lift a bus with her bare hands, we'll be fine." Alyssa said laughing 

"Okay." Caitlin said sighing she loved how protective her family was

"Great." Jesse said smiling

The three talked about potential godparents and decorating the baby room.

"Dinners ready." Kara yelled from the kitchen 

They sat down and ate their food while talking about the move and all agreed Caitlin should be at Joe's and not under any circumstance should do any heavy lifting.

"Hey, Barr how would you feel about Dawn having a godparent?" Caitlin asked 

"That's a great idea." Barry said smiling 

"Who you got in mind?"

"Well we thought about Oliver." She said as Barry immediatly shook his head 

"Oliver is always busy, so is Felicity, not to metion their job is just as dangerous maybe even more dangerous then my job." Barry said as the nodded in agreement

"Our second choice was Joe." 

"No, i don't wanna burden him, he's already old i don't wanna give him another kid to take care of, he's already done plenty for this family, he and Cecile are the reason that i was able to adopt you three." Barry said

"Okay what about Cisco?"

"Perfect." Barry said smiling

"I agree, having Cisco as a godparent would be pretty cool." Jesse said

"Cisco it is then." Caitlin said smiling

The rest of the night was filled with discussion and Alyssa suggesting stupid middle names for Dawn like 'Mercury'.

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