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Barry woke up and finally he was married to the love of his life.....Caitlin Rose Allen. Caitlin smiled at him as he woke up. 

"How long have you been awake?" Barry asked 

"Long enough to contemplate how lucky i am to be married to you." Caitlin said smiling as Barry pulled her into a kiss 

"Hey, i've been thinking." Barry said reaching for a notebook and writing something in it. 

"What?" He passed the note to Caitlin who gasped loudly and squealed 

"Are we really getti-" Caitlin was interupted by Barry placing his finger over her mouth 

"Shhhhh, Kara might hear you and yes we are i want it to be a suprise." Barry said smiling 

"Okay, so when do you want to get it?" Caitlin asked smiling like a little kid 

"Maybe in the afternoon, but i need you to keep the girl's outta the house while i set up the suprise and make the purchase." Barry said just as excitedly 

"Okay, i can do that, i'll just take them shopping, but are you sure Kara can handle it i mean she might pass out when she sees" Caitlin said 

"Babe she's a 'Supergirl' in the making who need i remind you helped me fight Thawne so i'm pretty sure she can handle it." Barry said laughing

As they got dressed and went down stairs they were greeted by Jesse and Alyssa making out on the couch 

"Morning gu- oh dear god." Barry said covering his eyes 

"Ehhh, Sorry Dad." Jesse said laughing in embarrasment

"Look you're both 18 it's fine just don't do it where Kara can see you guys." Caitlin said laughing 

"Sorry...." Alyssa said laughing nervously 

"Hi Mom and Dad." Kara said walking in as Jesse and Alyssa sighed in relief that Kara didn't catch them 

"Hi, sweetie." Barry said kissing her head 

"Hey, is it okay if i take the girls for a sort of girls day out?" Caitlin asked playing it off

"Yeah, yeah it's fine just be back by lunch." Barry said playing along 

"Girl's go get change Mommy is taking you out." Caitlin said as Jesse sighed 

"Mom, i love you but just please don't ever that say again." Jesse said face palming as Barry laughed along with Alyssa. 

"Now go, don't keep your Mom waiting." Barry said 

"Bye Dad love you." Kara said as they left 

"Bye sweetie love you too."

"Bye, Barr see you when we get home." Caitlin said winking at him, which Jesse and Alyssa misintpreted. 

"Eww Mom." Jesse said 


"Nothing just don't do it while we're home." Alyssa said 

"Do what?" Caitlin asked not knowing what they're talking about 

"Nevermind." Jesse said 

As the girls were out shopping Barry sped over to a a pet shop and browsed for what felt like hours trying to find the perfect dog 

"Can i help you sir?" 

"Uhhh yeah what puppy would you recommend for my daughters?" Barry asked 

"We have the perfect one for you." The empolyee said as he led Barry over to a cage with small puppy in it. (Just use your imagination for the puppy) 

"That's perfect i'll take it." Barry said smiling 

"Of course." The employee said opening the cage handing Barry said the puppy. The puppy immediatly started to lick Barry's face. 

"Looks like he likes you already." The empolyee said laughing 

As he left with the dog he didn't want to use his speed so he just walked to dog back to the loft, excited to see Kara and Jesse's reaction. As he made his way to the door and unlocked it her saw Kara, Jesse and Alyssa playing Monopoly and Caitlin making lunch 

"Hi, Dad." Kara said running over but froze when she saw the puppy in his arms 

"Is that a puppy....." Kara asked as Barry smiled and nodded. He put the dog down and as soon as he touched the floor he ran over to Kara and started to lick her hand 

"He is the BEST." kara squealed loudly grabbing Jesse and Alyssa's attention, everytime Kara squealed that loud was when there was a spider or some sort of insect near her. As they ran to her they saw the small dog in Kara's arms 

"You got a DOG!!." Jesse said also squealing as Alyssa had to hold her back from tackling Kara nd the dog in a hug. Kara saw this and handed the dog to Jesse as Kara ran and hugged Barry tightly 

"Thanks, Dad you're the best." Barry smiled and kissed her head 

Caitlin came over and saw the dog and squealed just as loudly as Kara and Jesse 

"Awww he's so cute Barr, what's his name?" Caitlin said hugging his side 

"Well i thought you guys could pick the name." 

"How about Krypto?" Alyssa suggested 

"It's perfect." Kara said hugging her as Barry, Caitlin and Jesse nodded 

"Krypto it is then." Alyssa said smiling and clapping her hands together

"Oh and by the way lunch is ready." Caitlin said still looking at Krypto. 

"I got dog food, a bowl, a bed and poop bags." Barry said lifting up a bag. 

He set everything up and ate lunch with his family, even though he had a bed Krypto still fell asleep in Kara's lap as she stroked his head 

They had an unexplainable bond.

A/N: (send me suggestions you have for futrure chapters)

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