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Today was Alyssa's first Thanksgiving with the Allen family. 

"So are Joe, Cecile and Iris coming here or are we going to their house for Thanksgiving?" Caitlin asked 

"Nope, their actually spending Thanksgiving with Cecile's family this year so it's just us, our parents and Cisco and Kamilla." Barry said 

"Okay, Alyssa are you spending Thanksgiving wth us or are you spending it with your family." Caitlin asked 

"Uhhhhi haven't heard from them from since they kicked me out of the house." Alyssa admitted 

"Don't worry you can spend it with us, you know your always welcome here." Caitlin said smiling while Barry nodded. 

"I can't thank you enough for letting me stay here, i really appreciate it." Alyssa said smiling greatfully 

"No need to thank us, you're family now and until your family apologises you can stay here for as long as you want." Barry said smiling 

"Speaking of family i need to walk Krypto." Barry said grabbing a leash 

"Dad, can i come?" Kara asked

"Of course, sweetie for some reason Krypto really likes you." Barry said holding her hand and leashing Krypto 

When they left Jesse noticed Alyssa's frown 

"Hey, are you okay?" 

"It's's been five months since my parents kicked me out don't you think that they should of apologised yet, do they not love me anymore." Alyssa said with tears in her eyes 

"Don't worry i'm sure they'll come around evetually and we have more than enough love for you" Jesse said smiling and kissing her temple 

"Thanks Jess, i love you." 

"No problem, love you too." 

Caitlin overheard their conversation from the kitchen and couldn't be happier for her daughter. It had been 55 minutes since Kara and Barry left with Krypto and Caitlin was starting to get worries as she was about to call Barry they walked through the door 

"Why were you guys gone for so long?" Caitlin asked 

"Sorry Krypto and Kara got distracted every 5 minutes, Kara chased a butterfly for 10 minutes." Barry said laughing and rubbing Kara's head and unleashing Krypto

"But it was pretty though........and we didn't have butterflies on Krypton" Kara said pouting as she pet Krypto 

"Awww sweetie, it's okay." Caitlin said kissing her forehead 

"My mom said she was coming earlier than everyone else because she wanted to spend sometime with her grandchildren and help to with dinner." Caitlin said 

"Okay, did she say when." Barry said walking over to her and kissing her temple 

"Nope, she just said earlie-" She was cut off by a knock at the door. 

"Guess she meant now." Barry said laughing as he opened the door as he opened the door he didn't see Carla but instead saw a man there. 

"Hi, how can i help you?" Barry said 

"Cut the crap, my name is Greg Sampson and i know my daughter is here." Greg said quite aggresively 

"ALYSSA." Greg called pushing passed Barry and into his home 

"Dad......why are you here?" Alyssa asked holding Jesse's hand he saw this and looked at Jesse 

"Who are you.....?" He said looking at Jesse 

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