God of Speed

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"You are but a shadow beneath my throne." A metallic figure said as Barry choked on his blood from being beaten

"I'm Savitar, The God of Speed." He said as he plunged his blade straight through Barry's chest.

Barry had been waking up in cold sweat and would get barely any sleep and it was starting to worry Caitlin. For the 7th night in a row Barry woke up panting and screaming

"Honey, are you okay?" Caitlin asked turning on her bedside lamp

"Yeah, just a little nightmare." He said giving Caitlin a fake smile

"It's clearly not." Jesse said standing next to Alyssa with Kara infront of them with tears in her eyes

"Come here, sweetie" Barry said opening his arms as Kara ran into them giving him a big hug.

"We're worried about you, Dad." Kara said crying into his chest as Barry rubbed her back

"I'm sorry." Barry said kissing the top of her head

"Wanna talk about your nightmares?" Caitlin asked as Barry sighed and nodded. Jesse and Alyssa sat on the bed with Kara on her Mom's lap.

"It starts every time with a metallic figure calling himself 'Savitar'." Barry said as the girls listened in

"He says he's the God of Speed, and in my dream every single time........." Barry was about to say something but stopped himself as Caitlin put her hand on his cheek and reassured him he was safe. Barry took a deep breath.

"He kills me." 

As soon as those words left his mouth his three daughters and his wife engulfed him in hug.

"Barr, there just nightmares." Caitlin said hugging him tightly

"But they feel so real." Barry said

"If they are if Savitar is here to kill you he'll have to go through us." Alyssa said smiling

"Thanks, Lys." Barry said smiling as Alyssa sighed at in her opinion a cheesey nickename that Jesse came up with. Jesse smiled and yawned

"Thanks for being here Jess now go get some sleep." Barry said chuckling and kissing her forehead. She wiped her eyes and nodded leaving the room with Alyssa. Kara stayed behind 

"Kara, sweetie what's wrong?" Caitlin asked as Kara wiped her tears with her sleeve

"Can i stay here tonight?" She asked as Barry and Caitlin smiled

"Of course sweetie." Barry said smilng as Kara laid inbetween her parents.

"I love you mom and dad." Kara said smiling as Caitlin kissed her head

"Love you too sweetie." Caitlin said turing off her bedside lamp and falling asleep.

For the first time in a week Barry woke up feeling rested and calm instead of tired and worried. He sat up and looked at his wife and daughter. He kissed both of their foreheads before heading downstairs to cook breakfast for his amazing family.

"Smells good." Caitlin said walking into the room witha tired but awake Kara holding her hand

"Morning guys" He said walking over and giving them both a cheek kiss

"Mornig Dad." Kara said yawning and sitting on the bar stool leaning her head on the counter and falling asleep again

"Someone's tired." Barry said smiling

"She was very worried about you Barr." Caitlin said rubbing Kara's back

"Thanks sweetie." He said kissing the top of her head and carrying her to her bed

"She's gotten heavier." Barry said smiling to himself

He put Kara in her bed and went back to making breakfast so see everyone already eating

"Breakfast wasn't ready yet." He said laughing

"Sorry, it smelt so good." Jesse said eating her pancake.

"Mouth closed sweetie." Caitlin said as everyone laughed 

"Sorry." Jesse said covering her mouth.

"Jess, you're 18 how can you not know how to eat food properly." Frost said smiling as Jesse shrugged her shoulders

"Dummy." Alyssa said kissing her cheek

"Sorry, Lys." Jesse said laughing as Alyssa's smile faded

"It's okay JesseBear." Alyssa said laughing at the nickname Kara called Jesse one time

"You promised." Jesse whined

"Sorry, babe." Alyssa said still laughing and kissing Jesse's temple

Barry had an idea of what do about Savitar and stopped eating.

"I'm gonna head to STAR Labs for a bit i'll be back in a flash." He said kissing his wife and speeding out

"Okay, be safe." She called out as a streak of orange left the house

"Where was my head kiss?" Jesse asked frowning, Barry never usually leaves without giving each of his daughters a head kiss.

"I can tell something is bothering him." Frost said as everyone agreed

"Jess, Alyssa can you speed me and Frost over?" Caitlin asked as the girls nodded and put their forks down

"What about me?" Kara asked running into the room

"KarBar, you can fly." Jesse said laughing and speeding away with Frost as Alyssa sped off with Caitlin

They sped over to STAR Labs and walked into the Cortex expecting to see Barry there but he wasn't and since Cisco went on a holiday with Kamilla it was practically empty.

"Where's Dad?" Jesse asked as everyone shurrged there shoulders.

"Time vault?" Alyssa suggested as everyone nodded and walked into the time vault and saw Barry sitting on the floor leaning against the wall with his head in his hands.

Aa Barry sped over to STAR Labs he walked into the time vault.

"Gideon?" Barry asked as the AI appeared

"How can i be of assistance?" Gideon asked as Barry wasted no time

"Who is Savitar?" Barry asked as a photo of the speed god came up

"Savitar, the God of Speed, a speedster you've encountered in the furture." Gideon explained

"Where is he now?" Barry asked

"Here" Was all Gideon said

"Like in this time period?" He asked as Gideon confirmed it.

"What does he want?"

"To kill you."

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