Speedster Teachings

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Barry agreed to train Jesse and Alyssa in the ways of being a speedsters and the actual responsibilties of being a hero. But Barry being Barry wanted to teach them the sciences behind a speedster.

"No offense Dad, but i graduated high school when i was 14, top of my class." Jesse said resting her chin on her hand

"Yeah, why do we need to know about aerodynamics, physics and stuff." Alyssa asked bored out of her mind

"And why am i here?" Kara asked flying on her back looking at the roof

"Because, sweetie you refused to go to school." Barry said chuckling as Kara sat up mid-air

"Yeah, because school is stupid." Kara said pouting and crossing her arms as Barry laughed kissed her forehead

"Yeah, this was a bad idea." Barry said sighing at the board he was writing on

"You know what, we'll do it the old fasion way." Barry said throwing the marker up and speeding the white board out and replacing it with a wooden wall. He sped back in and caught it.

"What's that?" Jesse asked sitting up from her desk

"That is what you two are gonna phase through." Barry asked as they shot up in excitement

"Really?" Alyssa said pointing at the wooden wall and he nodded

"Let's get started." He said rubbing his hands together as Kara sat on top of the wooded wall

He first taught them how to vibrate their hand through the wall before their whole body. Unlike him they weren't thrown into a life or death situation, THEN had to learn these skills. Barry watched as they tried again and again to phase their whole bodies through the wall but failed, he saw them getting fustrated until he saw something that caught his eye that only he noticed. Jesse's lightning turned purple for a split second as Alyssa's turned light blue like Savitar's natrual colour. He smiled widely but they were to focused on the wall to notice

"Alright girls, i think we'll take five." Barry said chucking them each a water bottle

"Thanks Dad." Jesse said drinking her water and intensely glaring at her biggest challenge since Thawne. The wooden wall.

"This thing is going to be the death of me." Jesse said sighing and lightly slapping it

"You'll get there eventually Jess." Caitlin said walking in with Dawn in her arms

"Thanks Mom, but i don't think it'll be anytime soon." Jesse sighed again

"How did Barry learn to phase?" Alyssa asked curiously

"Well a crazy guy named 'The Trickster' attachted a bomb to his wrist that would blow up if he stopped running so while he was running Dr Wells, or Thawne had to explain it to him and motivate him so he could phase out of the bomb." Caitlin explain, but instantly regretted it when she saw Alyssa smirk

"NO, Alyssa we are not attaching any bombs to you or Jess." Caitlin said sternly as Dawn giggled


"Why?" Alyssa whined

"Because i nearly died that night." Barry said wrapping an arm around Caitlin's waist and kissing her temple. Kara ran over and hugged him tightly

"Kara sweetie, i know you worry about me but you don't have to hug me every time i mention that i nearly died." Barry said rubbing her head

"I know, but it makes me feel better." Kara said muffled into Barry's chest

"What about throwing lightning?" Alyssa asked wiping her forehead

"I had to throw lightning to stop a guy named 'Sand Demon', a meta that could control a sand-like substance." Barry explained

"Why can't we have any supervillians or arch nemisis" Alyssa said dropping her shoulders

"Or evil speed god temporal clones from the future." Jesse said laughing

"That would be pretty cool, i always wondered what the future would be like." Alyssa said rubbing her chin. Dawn stared to fidget in Caitlin arms and smack her lips

"Karwa." Dawn said as Kara let go of Barry said flew up a bit to look at Dawn

"Hi, Dawnny." Kara said waving as Dawn giggled

"Wanna head home a make dinner?" Barry asked as everyone nodded but Alyssa and Jesse

"I'm not leaving until i'm on the other side of the wall." Jesse said suriously and dropping her towel as Alyssa did the same thing

"I think that's enough for today." Barry said as they shook their heads

"What she said." Alyssa said getting in a running position. Barry was about to intervene but Caitlin spoke up first

"Don't stay too long." Caitlin said as they smiled widely at her.

"I took your advice Barr, i thought like them" She said as Barry smiled at her

"I see." He said kissing her cheek

"Come on Kara." Barry said as he took Kara's hand

Barry, Caitlin and Kara arrived home to make dinner while Jesse and Alyssa continued there training for a few hours. 

"We're never going to get this." Alyssa said frowning and resting her head against the board

"Dad never gave up, so neither can we." Jesse said wiping her forehead

"Want some help?" Barry asked walking in

"I thought you were at home?" Jesses asked as Barry smiled

"I was, but i figured you two needed some help, i didn't learn my skills by myself, so neither should you." Barry said as they smiled widely

"I just can't figure out how to phase through this stupid thing." Alyssa said throwing her towel at the wooden board

"Alyssa calm down." Barry said as she huffed and nodded. 

"Place both hands on the board." Barry instructed as they nodded and did what he said

"Now breathe, feel the floor beneath your feet, feel the texture of the wood, and the lightning feel it's electricity, pumping through your veins, travelling to every nerve in your body like a shock you never want to end, you're no longer you now, you're part of something greater, you're part of the-" 

"Speedforce." Alyssa and Jesse finished as Barry smiled

"Now, Run, Alyssa and Jesse, Run." Barry said as they smiled and began to vibrate and eventually phase right through the board

"YES!!!!" Jesse yell excitedly as Alyssa hugged her tightly

"We did it!!!" Alyssa said sticking her tongue out at the board

"Yes, you did." Barry said walking over as they both hugged him

"Thank you so much Dad."

"We couldn't of done it without you." 

"Nope, that was all you guys." Barry said smiling

"Come dinners ready." Barry said as they shook their heads

"I'm way to tired to run home." Jesse said sitting on the floor and Alyssa did the same, Barry smiled and sped them both back home in a flash

"Hey guys, how was training?" Caitlin asked as they walked into the kitchen

"We finally phased, Mom" Jesse said happily

"That's great, i'm proud of you two" Caitlin said smiling

"It was all thanks to Barry's awesome speech." Alyssa said looking over to Barry

"As much as i hate to admit it, but Thawne was a good teacher, he taught me almost everything i know about being a speedster." Barry admitted

"Ewww, Thawne." Kara said walking into the kitchen

"Ewww is right KarBar." Jesse said high fiving Kara as Barry smiled and shook his head

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