The Beginning of the End

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Barry had been preparing for the return of Thawne and Savitar ever since he locked them away in the speedforce, he knew better then to think he would ever be rid of Thawne. But little did he know that Savitar and Thawne have been planning their revenge for decades while in the speedforce prison. 

"Hello again Flash Family." Thawne said taking his cowl off to reveal his face

"Yep, you're still as ugly as i remember" Alyssa said nodding as Thawne began to snicker

"Always the comedian, aren't you Velocity?" Thawne said smiling

"You know, the history books say you two live to be 87 years old, but i guess i'm gonna have to make a few changes." Thawne said pulling up his cowl and speeding towards Jesse and Alyssa, only to be interrputed by Barry stepping inbetween them

"Girls? Reckon you can handle Savitar?" Barry asked as they smiled at eachother

"Yeah, kick his ass Dad." Jesse said as the twin speedsters sped to face off against their 'father'.

"Wise choice." Thawne said as the two speedsters locked eyes

"Yeah, but not for you." Barry said taking a running stance

"You'll never beat me Flash and you never will be beat me." Thawne said vibrating himself

"That's going to be your down fall Thawne, not being open to new experiences." Barry said as the two began in there fight.

Exchanging blows throughout the world, speeding around using any tactic to try and gain the upper hand over the other. All over the world there were streaks of white and red lightning racing throughout cities and windows being shattered from the sheer speed they were going at. 

"They're really going at it, huh?" Alyssa said looking at the streaks of lightning

"Hello my sweet daughters." Savitar said sarcastically, speeding in without his suit on

"What, no suit?" Jesse mocked

"I don't need a suit to beat you two." Savitar said trying to intimidate them by allowing his light blue lightning to spark across his body.

"Nice light show, but this is your end." Jesse said making Savitar smirk

"Let's see what you got." Savitar said before speeding away with Jesse and Alyssa hot on his trail

Savitar allowed them to get close to him before using the full extent of his speed and leaving them in his dust. Jesse and Alyssa tried desperately to catch up to him, but to no avail, Savitar was taunting, letting them catch up to him before speeding up.

Cisco got the wanring call from Caitlin and arrived just in time to help Jesse and Alyssa, from the top of a building he made a breach that Jesse and Alyssa ran through. He breached them in front of Savitar, who had his gaurd down. Jesse and Alyssa used this to their advantage and super sonic puched Savitar in the face knocking him back a few feet.

"Time to spice thing up." Savitar said holding up a trigger. At that moment Barry and Thawne both sped next to them panting and wiping blood off of their lips

"Do it." Thawne smirked as Savitar pressed down on the button

"What did you do?!" Barry yelled as a building blew up

"We've set up a series of bombs throughout the city and every 20 seconds a random building will blow up." Thawne said smirking seeing the faces of the speedsters

"So Flash what will it be?, stop us or be the hero." Savitar cackled.

Without a second thought Barry began sweeping through the city at impossible speeds, searching every building for explosives and evacuting entire buildings full of people all of this happening with the span of a few minutes. Barry pushed himself beyond his limits and managed to save everyone in the rigged buildings with no civilian casulities.

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