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While Barry and the rest of Team Flash were dealing with Godspeed and August, Astra and her forces were readying Myriad, in order to 'save' Earth from it's inhabitants. But with Thawne gone there plans were set back as Thawne was one of the brightest minds Non had ever encountered and the original team of scientists that created Myriad were dead. They tested Myriad on a small town, but during the test Myriad malfunctioned setting there plans back even further.

"How long until Myriad is back up and running?" Astra asked as Non held his head up with pride

"A few more hours, and then this world is ours." He said smiling

"Good as soon as it's ready, tell me, then we can save this planet." Astra said before disappearing into the shadows

Allen Residence

Now that their Godspeed problem had been solved, Team Flash brought August on board against their fight with Astra.

"So, who's Astra?" August asked

"Kara's evil Aunt, who plans to use alien technology to take over the planet." Frost said casually

"Actually uh............that was suprising accurate." Caitlin said confused

"How low do you think of me Caity?" Frost asked fake hurt by Caitlin's confusion

"Okay, how do we stop them, i mean surely by now you've located them." August said

"We have, in the middle of the Arctic." Barry informed as August nodded

"Who builds a base in the middle of the Arctic?" August chuckled

"They didn't they're using an alien prison that crashed on the Earth around the same time Kara did." Barry said as Kara just sat their in silence, she was ashamed of how her last living family was acting and how they are tainting the memory of Krypton.

"Dad?" Kara asked


"When you find Astra and Non........are you going to kill them?" Kara asked sadly as Barry took her into a hug

"No, we're better than them, and besides they are your last living blood relatives. What type of father would i be if i killed them?" Barry said as Kara curled into a ball against her father

"Thank you." Kara smiled resting her head on Barry's lap

"But them pipeline isn't strong enough to hold two adult Kryptonians." Jesse added

"We can take them to Earth-38." Caitlin said as Jesse nodded, "Oh and i've been meaing to tell you guys, a few days me and Cisco found unsual signitures coming from a small town in Norway." Caitlin said as Kara shot up

"Were they Q-Waves?" Kara asked as Caitlin nodded slowly, "That's Myriad, it uses Q-Waves to control people." She added further nervously

"If it works, why haven't they used it on the whole world yet?" Alyssa asked

"It was probably damaged during Krypton's destruction." Barry said as he sighed in frustration

"Cait, do you reckon you can make something to counter the affects of Myriad?" Barry asked

"I'll need to have a sample of Q-Waves in order to properly understand how they work, but maybe." Caitlin said as he nodded

"Okay, take Jesse, Alyssa, Cisco and Dawn with you to the town that was affected in Norway, see if you can gather anything from there." Barry said as she nodded and kissed his cheek before heading to go pack a bag

"What about the rest of us?" August asked

"We're going to Fort Rozz, we need to get Myriad off of them, or destroy it." Barry said as Kara nodded ready to stop her Aunt and redeme her family name, even if she renounced them.

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